Ezekiel 30:1-19 – Who is Your Ally?

diversity of community with hands coming together as if for team cheer

Read Ezekiel 30:1-19

We don’t get a time stamp on this reading, and any attempts at dating it are only speculative. What we do see are four oracle pronouncements by the Sovereign God. God is on the move, and his divine intervention will be in battle. The result he promised was a total collapse of Egypt and their allies. “All of Egypt’s allies will fall, and the pride of her power will end.” What a message!

Can you imagine? From exile in Babylon, God was using Ezekiel to announce the fall of a powerful civilization. We still marvel today at those pyramids! Many generations prior to Ezekiel’s words, God had boldly brought an Egyptian ruler to his knees. You may recall how God used Moses to rescue God’s people from slavery and oppression in Egypt.

What did you think about what God said about Egypt’s idols? He said, “I will smash the idols of Egypt.” Why did God care about their idols? God doesn’t tolerate anything being worshipped besides himself. I think Philippians 2:10-11 which says, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” That’s the beautiful future I look forward to with no more idols and people in agreement over who is in charge.

Babylon will be a key player in this devastating blow to Egypt. King Nebuchadnezzar has become an agent working for God, even though he probably thought it was his own power creating all the openings for victory. How often do we take credit in our lives for what God is doing?

That’s one thing for us to ponder today. We certainly don’t want to fall into the trap of pride like Egypt had. Lots of good things may be happening in our lives. It does us good to remember that all creation belongs to God. I like to give credit to God’s power living inside me. The Holy Spirit is available to fill us and give us his victory over sin and death, too.

The second point to reflect on how those “allies” of God’s enemies were also at risk. Think about those people in your community (church or neighborhood) who are acting in ways dishonoring to God. Those folks, as well as people who flat out deny God, are God’s enemies. Are you allies with any of “those” people? Are you waiting for God’s opening to help them find the truth?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, I thank you that I can call you my ally, my helper and friend. You are also the God who set the galaxies in motion and created all that is. I am beyond grateful that you would also come to my rescue and offer your love and grace in my brokenness. I look forward to each opportunity I can reflect you in this world and bring your truth into focus for others. Thank you for each opportunity you provide. Help me not to miss any more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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