Ezekiel 29:17-21 – Years Later . . .

empty benches amidst a lot of fall colors and fallen leaves

Read Ezekiel 29:17-21

What a big jump! Now we’re in the 27th year of the exile. Our last reading about Egypt was recorded seventeen years prior to this one which finally speaks of how God’s power will be revealed against the mighty Egypt. You’ll have to adjust your mind just a bit as Ezekiel “fast forwards” into the future. This one message is injected into the order of Ezekiel’s prophecies for a reason. I think it’s to tie everything together for us.

After our last reading, we had no way of knowing when or how God would bring about his judgment. Interesting that Egypt’s downfall would benefit Israel’s oppressor, the one God had given authority to destroy Jerusalem. How would the people who escaped that downfall by being held in exile feel when Egypt fell to the very same powerful king as a reward.

The reward was for what Nebuchadnezzar had done to Tyre. You will recall that prophecy a couple of readings ago. That prophecy was given by Ezekiel fifteen years before. Putting all of these time stamps into order is helpful for me when picturing the progression of God’s story.

I’ve been teaching the girls at the orphanage some Old Testament history to help them understand and appreciate the New Testament even more. Sometimes we fear the Old Testament and don’t see the relevance to our lives. I’m sure your eyes have been opened to how exquisitely Old Testament history shines light and helps us grow closer to God.

Do you find it interesting that God uses all sorts of people to do his work on earth? Clearly, Nebuchadnezzar is the enemy and yet God gave him victory more than once. If God used unlikely people for his purposes back then, why wouldn’t he do the same still today?

Don’t think that because you’re not the best at this or that particular thing that God won’t enlist you. There is plenty of work to do for the kingdom. I feel like it should be all hands on deck.” The LORD made it clear to Ezekiel that even non-believers can be used for God’s will to be done. God’s power is not particular because it is in our weakness that God’s power can shine. He has been very insistent that people will recognize his power when all of these prophecies come to pass.

Don’t miss the promise in these verses either. Tucked away in this reading, Israel and Ezekiel both have their own promise from God. “And the day will come when I will cause the ancient glory of Israel to revive, and then, Ezekiel, your words will be respected. Then they will know that I am the LORD.” At this point in time, Ezekiel and the others were 27 years into their time of captivity. How do you think the people reacted all these years later?

Take some time today to reflect on how God wants to shine through you. How does God want to reveal himself in your weakness?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Thank you for seeing the best in me and want me to shine for you in this world. Equip me to do your will and rid me of my own self-doubts. Guide me and show me the way. Your grace and mercy have no end, and I want people to know that. Help me to bring your message of peace and love to those who are ready to hear it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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