1 Peter 2:13-17 – Respect Authority

Read 1 Peter 2:13-17

 “Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the king.” That pretty much sums up today’s reading. Sounds simple enough. What about respect the king? Not all of us have a king. We do all have an authority or governing body setting earthly human laws to follow. We may not be a fan of these laws, but they exist to protect.

I admit I have a lead foot when it comes to driving. I like to drive fast. I like to get where I’m going. Speed limits are in place to protect us, help with fuel efficiency or some other reason. It was a huge realization for me when I realized that by breaking man’s speed limit law, I was not obeying God’s desire for me to obey authority. This is just one example. Continue reading “1 Peter 2:13-17 – Respect Authority”

Luke 14:15-24 – Let’s Party

Read Luke 14:15-24

Do you ever make excuses at the last minute for not attending a gathering you’re invited to? I’m trying to remember doing so, but I know I’ve had it done to me. It’s like the people decided at the last minute that a better offer came along. I always struggled with that because for me, a commitment is a commitment. If I say I’m going to do something (or don’t say I’m not), I am committed to that thing. I call it integrity or being considerate.

So what happens in the story Jesus tells to illustrate the banquet? The people first invited were not considerate. They did not keep their word at attending the feast. That’s a frustrating feeling for the one holding the feast. The anticipation of a party, of being around friends, of being able to share and make a memory. Rather than call the party off when no guests were expected – the feast holder went to Plan B and invited people he didn’t know, people less fortunate and not accustomed to such celebrations.  Continue reading “Luke 14:15-24 – Let’s Party”


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