Job 23:1-17 – A Broken Record

Read Job 23:1-17

It seems we’ve got a broken record here in terms of the recurring complaints and misunderstandings. I enjoyed Job’s account of how he’d like to make a visit to God and have a conversation about his state of affairs. Job’s tone is a bit nonchalant, but maybe we need to think of God more as a friend. It’s a little easier to picture ourselves being buddies with Jesus because he wore human flesh. We’ve been told God is to be feared.

The picture Job has must bring him a bit of comfort. The solution sounds so easy. Because Job maintains his innocence, verse 7 is so reassuring. “Honest people can reason with him, so I would be forever acquitted by my judge.” That’s a pretty bold statement showing Job’s confidence both in himself and in his all-knowing God. Continue reading “Job 23:1-17 – A Broken Record”


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