Read Mark 9:14-29
Today’s reading happens directly after yesterday’s in real time. In case you missed yesterday, it’s the story of the transfiguration where Jesus took the inner circle (Peter, James and John) up the mountain where they experienced something miraculous, leaving them a bit awestruck.
We often experience those mountaintop experiences in our lives. Maybe after a wonderful worship service, a spiritual healing, a large worship concert, or conference with other believers. When we come back to reality, the every day routine, re-entry can often be challenging. We don’t want to lose that feeling.
Here, Jesus and the disciples had to assimilate very quickly as there was a crowd waiting. From our readings in Mark, it seems like this is an every day occurrence that people are clamoring for Jesus’ attention with one need or another. It may seem like that still today as we lift our prayers up, asking God for this or for that to make our lives better.
Our prayers should be more than that, shouldn’t they? I read an interesting statement once, and I may have even used this in my marketing. It went something like this: “What if we woke up tomorrow with ONLY who and what we prayed for today?” That includes God. We need to never forget to whom we are praying.
He is worthy of our praise, and our praise should not be reserved for Sunday mornings. It’s an every day, every minute kind of thing. It should be our #1 purpose–to love and worship God at all times.
In our reading today, the frantic father cries out to Jesus, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” It would probably do us all good to make this cry part of our daily prayer.
Prayer is powerful. Our conversations with God are what keep us connected. We see another example of how powerful prayer is right here in today’s reading. The disciples had tried to heal the boy but failed. Jesus seemed a little impatient with them (but remember he is just back from a mountaintop experience). Jesus later told them what they had missed in their attempt. Prayer. Those stubborn demons require prayer to flee.
What demons are burdening you today? In the name of Jesus, and with prayer and belief, command them to flee.
Let’s pray. Lord, I come to you on bended knee, again humbled by your majesty and provision. Shield my heart from unclean thoughts and selfish desires. I long to know you more and share with others what you have done for me. May my life reflect you in all I say and do. I thank you for the mountaintop experiences I have had recently. I pray that as I get back to reality you will help me not be discouraged but instead to keep pushing forward. The best is yet to come, and I look forward to how you are going to use me and my voice. Thank you for your peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.