2 Peter 2:10-16 – Avoid Destruction

Read 2 Peter 2:10-16

How much more can be said about false teachers? Avoiding them seems to be the wise thing to do. We can avert our own destruction when we keep our eyes on Jesus instead.

Peter has absolutely no regard for false teachers as he likens them to “unthinking animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed.” We should adopt similar thinking lest we, too, be destroyed. Yet, these “beasts” are among us.

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Obadiah 17-21 – Promised Restoration

Read Obadiah 17-21

I learned today the Edomites were taken down in the 5th century B.C. God used a people called the Nabateans to defeat the Edomites and force them from their main city of Petra. The interval between prediction and fulfillment would, therefore, have been very short, assuming Obadiah was writing following the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem. When Obadiah prophesied this promise, it was probably thought to be crazy. Judah was the more likely candidate to not survive (that’s only when you take God’s will out of the equation)! The Edomites would later disappear from history completely, marking the total destruction of one of Israel’s enemies.

It always helps me to understand the context of a story to aid in understanding. The Negev region was very dry and hot in the southern part of Judah. The foothills would be found in western Judah. Phoenicia would be an ancient civilization along the Mediterranean, primarily located in modern-day Lebanon.

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