Read 2 Peter 2:10-16
How much more can be said about false teachers? Avoiding them seems to be the wise thing to do. We can avert our own destruction when we keep our eyes on Jesus instead.
Peter has absolutely no regard for false teachers as he likens them to “unthinking animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed.” We should adopt similar thinking lest we, too, be destroyed. Yet, these “beasts” are among us.
Peter suggests they “are a disgrace and a stain among you.” Would you recognize a false teacher? Peter gives us clues of what they might act like. Arrogant. Closed minded. Despise authority. Never satisfied. Proud. Greedy. Deceiving. According to Peter, there are people like this sharing a meal with us.
Interesting that Peter would bring up the example of Balaam, son of Beor. I wanted to understand that connection a little bit more, so I found Balaam’s story in chapters 22-24 of the book of Numbers. I didn’t see anything about earning money for doing wrong.
What I did see was a non-Israelite prophet wanting to do the will of God, even if that meant giving up great riches. I also saw why God gave his donkey the ability to speak in a human voice! Balaam was too blind to see the truth, like many of us today. And yet the LORD used Balaam (and the donkey to get his attention)!
Peter wants to make sure we aren’t lured into sinning because we don’t know any better. Peter believes it’s his job to equip us with the truth of Scripture along with the knowledge to beware of those who try to mislead us by misinterpreting Scripture. In this way, Peter did his part to further the kingdom.
False teachers may be too busy indulging their own desires to realize they are going down the path of destruction. They are likely in denial that God would ever turn his back on them. They have a false sense of security for people living under the curse of God.
In our Balaam story, the king of Moab wanted Balaam to curse the Israelites. Balaam could not curse the same people who God was blessing. The Israelites were God’s chosen people. It was powerful to me to see how God used this gentile as a prophet and to deliver his blessing on the Israelites instead.
What are you doing to shield yourself from the destruction looming by false teachers in our day? Avoid being like them for they are using religion for personal advancement, and that’s a sin God doesn’t take lightly.

Let’s pray. LORD, I know there are false teachers all around. Give me the discernment to avoid them and cleanse my heart and mind of the wrong messages they preach. Help me to see the direction you are leading and walk that path with enthusiasm. Bless each conversation and encounter. I want to reflect your light and draw people to your truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.