We have been reading over the last couple days about Israel’s disobedience. God’s plan for them had been so wonderful, and yet their hearts are hardened. That gave us Gentiles a beautiful opening into God’s graces. I found it interesting that Paul said God did that to make his people jealous.
I’ve heard that God can be a jealous God when his flock looks elsewhere for truth. In this case, it seems he was turning the tables and hoping his people got jealous if he showered his love and mercy on the Gentiles. But God’s plan is not to exclude the Jews forever. In fact, he continually hopes that they return to him.
Paul is quick to point out that the Israelites have a history of being stubborn and willful. He retells of Elijah’s plight of feeling abandoned. God assured him there were faithful ones, too. I am sure there are those today as well who know that being chosen for God’s grace comes through faith, not action.
Take some time today to just marvel in God’s beautiful plan. Thank him that he has chosen you to receive his grace, his free gift.
There is a beautiful song that talks about God’s love for us. LISTEN HERE. Let this truth just wash over you today. Just close your eyes and accept God’s love.
How does it make you feel to realize you have an inheritance because of your faith? Do you even really grasp the blessing this is? I was always the last one picked for anything sports related at school as a child, and never made the “honor” choir or “concert” choir as I dreamed. Having been chosen by God makes it all seem irrelevant. God’s selection is all that matters.
The next question then is how do I react knowing this truth? What comes to mind is gratitude. Some will flaunt it so there be no question. Since God knows my heart, I want my life to be more attractive and not so flashy. I want my faith to be evident but not obnoxious.
I know you just pictured someone with that word, “obnoxious.” Why is it that there are some people that just ruin it for the rest of us. Ruin in terms of giving Christians a bad rap. Don’t worry about them. Live in God’s plan for your life. We simply need to ask, “what would Jesus do?” and act accordingly.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you that you have called me to be your daughter. I am grateful for all you have done for me and continue to do every day. Your plan is perfect, and I look forward to watching it unfold. I know you are making me stronger and more confident with each passing day. May the boldness of my faith be attractive to others and draw them into a relationship with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.