What do you think of the great prostitute, or harlot as she is referred to in many translations. One of the reference books I’ve been reading talks of how satire could really make this passage come to life. If you picture a caricature of the harlot and the beast, you could come up with all sorts of poses and such to tell the story.
Here, the prostitute is called out as being “Babylon the Great, Mother of All Prostitutes and Obscenities in the World.” The people of John’s day, those first receiving these visions, would know that Babylon had already fallen, and it was more likely a reference to Rome. Many Christians were persecuted and savagely killed under Roman rule. That speaks to her being “drunk with the blood of God’s holy people who were witnesses for Jesus.”
We have seen two women in Revelation. You recall the one being pursued by the beast as representing Mary, the mother of Jesus, and later the people faithful to God alone. Quite a sharp contrast here don’t you think? The harlot has fallen prey to the wiles of the evil one and is basking in her glory. So while the first woman was pure and represented God’s faithful, the harlot represents all evil people (not just Rome or Babylon). Little does she know her days are numbered. There is no bright future for her or anyone who has chosen to follow the darkness.
Many people have tried over the ages to figure out who the kings and rulers are being represented here. Because we know the number 7 represents completeness, we can assume that these references are not meant to be literal but to include all corrupt leadership. This is not to say that all rulers are evil, but when those in charge stop relying on the power and wisdom of God, they often fall prey to evil.
With all that is going on in our world right now, it is easy to wonder “where is God?” I, for one, am blessed by the words of assurance we have been reading as we navigate through the Book of Revelation. God is still in control even though he is allowing all the atrocities we see. Does that make them any less horrible? Not really. But it does give me peace knowing how this all plays out in the big picture. That is, the “Lamb will defeat them because he is Lord of all lords and King of all kings.” Hallelujah!
We see how God can even use evil for good. I learned during our time in recovery ministry that “God never wastes a hurt.” I’ve seen that play out time and time again when something beautiful can come out of a really bad situation. We see an example of this here, “For God has put a plan into their minds, a plan that will carry out his purposes. They will agree to give their authority to the scarlet beast, and so the words of God will be fulfilled.” God can manipulate Satan to carry out his (God’s) purposes. That thought really struck me.
No matter what is going on in our lives right now, good or bad, God is there. We may not like what’s happening one little bit. If you look, you will find it. You will see where God has planted his flag and is working for good in our lives. Take some time today to seek God in your circumstances.

Let’s pray. Lord, help me to see the big picture and focus on how you are moving in this world. There are so many unpleasant circumstances affecting me and the lives of my loved ones and friends. Sometimes it’s hard to see any light in this mess. I know you are working overtime. I just pray you hasten an end to this pandemic. Continue to use me in mission to spread your joy and hope in this broken world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.