Psalm 9

Read Psalm 9

So many psalms speak of enemies, wickedness and nations falling.  It is sometimes hard for me to identify with any of these, excepts perhaps wickedness.  When reading a passage, I am always on the ready for God to speak to me.  So, when I think of enemies, I try to focus on those individuals who don’t believe as I do, who may pose a threat to me, and cause me to feel in danger.  I am blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful, loving people and fear no danger from them.

What struck you most when reading this psalm?  For me, verses 1-2 and 9-10 stuck out.  The first of these focus on thanksgiving, the joy we feel as believes and particularly, “I will sing praises to your name.”   That’s one of my favorite things to do, and I can get lost at my piano for hours just singing praise songs and hymns.  As for the latter section, the promise and assurance that God always has our back and will never abandon us. That is another recurring theme in the psalms, so God must think we needed reminded.

I have had times in my life when I have strayed so far, I cannot believe as I sit here now how awesome it is that God never let go of me.  I’m picturing a long piece of elastic connecting me to God, and no matter how far I stretch it, I will always come back to God.  Who do you know (maybe you) that’s stretching this elastic a little too far, and wish for them to come back to God?  Pray for them right now!

But this promise goes beyond God never abandoning us in that he IS our shelter.  We never have to leave in the first place.  We never have to wander astray.  In our times of need, we need to turn to him for solace, protection, and love.  Revel more in God’s love today.  How might you do this?

Let’s pray.  Lord forgive me when I fall short and help me to focus more on you so I can be a better reflection of you to the world.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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