Psalm 8

Read Psalm 8

I don’t know about you, but my FAVORITE psalms are the praise psalms, and this is a great example of just that!  I love to focus on the wonder of God, our wonderful, wonderful God!  Can’t you just read it over and over? If you haven’t read this at least twice…please stop and read again.  I can just feel the pure joy wash over me as I revel in the truth of this Scripture. Majesty.  Glory.  Those are big words and attributes to unpack!

But how daunting those words “put in charge”.   God gave us great responsibility to care for all he has given us.  Think of it — EVERYTHING belongs to God and he has chosen to let us take care of what we have.  My awe can quickly change to feelings of defeat when I look around and see places where I have let God down, not done my best, or let something in his creation die, waste away, or be ruined (except for cockroaches and spiders..these are HUGE in Mexico, they are the one defeated when I’m around…and I do ask God for forgiveness).

But critters aside, we need to focus on God’s majesty with reverence every moment.  Take time right now, grab some paper and make a list of words to describe God — like majesty, glory.

If we keep our eyes on Him (use your list if you have to), the challenges of this world will shrink, and I’m confident the comfort God places on you will be beyond your comprehension.

Let’s pray.  Lord God, you are so good!  Thank you for  all you have given us.  Help us to be faithful in all we say and do, using all that we are to bring praise, honor and focus to you!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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