Psalm 68 – Power of God

Read Psalm 68

There are so many nuggets in this psalm. The first time I read through it I couldn’t really grasp what the psalmist was trying to relate to us, it seemed like a lot of unconnected ideas, remembrances, praise reports and cries for help.  After I read it through again, it was obvious then that the theme is God’s power. God is powerful and his victories past, present and future are intertwined here, together with a cry of expectation at the mighty works of God and grateful praise in response.

Verse 19-20 really points to Jesus, didn’t you think so? Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.
Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign Lord rescues us from death.” As I write this, it’s Good Friday.  I wrestled with deviating from the psalm study for this Holy Weekend, but decided against it because these posts can be read at any time, and I didn’t want to narrow the focus that much.  However, smack dab in the middle of this psalm are two beautiful verses that really shine out as the truth we encounter because of the cross, because of the empty tomb.

Another beautiful promise is verse 28, “[s]ummon your might, O GodDisplay your power, O God, as you have in the past.” This same power of God that rose Jesus from the grave, that rescued his people from the hands of their enemies, who created the heavens and the earth, that power, is ours. We can claim it, rely on it, and trust God in all things.

Why do we have such selfish ambitions then?  Why are we so inwardly focused much of the time? It’s not “all about us”. That’s how toddlers think and act. The world revolves around them, or so they think. We need to be better than that. We need to be more focused on the gifts God has given us and using them. We need to be more thankful for the provision given to us. Finally, we need to rely on God’s power to protect and lead us.

Take a moment to reflect on the sacrifice God has made for you.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father you are mighty and great. This world is so full of chaos and evil. It’s frightening. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the tasks at hand. Help me remember I am not alone. You are holding me, waiting patiently for me to understand. Forgive me for foraging ahead on my own power when your power is perfect. Help me in telling others of this great power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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