The first line of this psalm “Great is the Lord” is striking and it continues, “and how much we should praise him..” But that thought doesn’t end there in what we should do, it doesn’t even have a comma, but goes right into “in the city of our God, which is on his holy mountain.” There, on his holy mountain, is that we are to praise him?
Jesus’ discussion with the Samaritan woman comes to mind. (John 4:1-38) You may remember she tells Jesus that her people only worship on the mountain and questions why Jews say Jerusalem is best. Today’s passage continues and does point toward Jerusalem – Mt. Zion – holy mountain – city of the great King. But recall Jesus’ words to the Samaritan woman, they come full circle, “true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
We can worship God from anywhere and everywhere! Verse 9 calls us to meditate on God’s unfailing love. We should do this 24/7. When I think of what Jesus has done for me, oh the agony, the brutality, and the blindness of people, I am humbled. Jesus’ victory was all orchestrated for me and for you! How can we not praise? How can we not want to give all we have? How can we continue in selfish pursuits? Give God the glory!!
So I circle back to the references to Jerusalem, and I don’t know about you, but hose confuse me a bit. We are all aware of the current state of that holy city. The Book of Revelation speaks of a New Jerusalem where God will live with his people. How tremendous that will be.
Let’s pray. Lord, I praise you with every inch of me. May you fill me anew this day with your light. Let me be a beacon and reveal your love to those I encounter. May I act in ways that make it clear I am your follower. I want the world to see me glowing for You. This is a dark world in need of a Savior. Use me to help them find there way. Let my heart rejoice and praise you continuously. In Jesus’ name. Amen.