This psalm starts out with a very descriptive glimpse at the wicked, who they are, what makes them tick, etc. Do we sometimes fall into that category? I’d like to think if I do, it’s by accident more than by intention.
The focus of the psalm does an about face then in verse 5, and the focus is on God and his unfailing love, faithfulness and abundance of character and provision. What contrast to the wicked and how tragic for the wicked they not know or experience such majesty.
For me, verses 5-6 are so familiar form a praise song. I love seeing familiar words in Scripture. But today the verse that speaks to me is verse 9, “For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.” Everything comes from God and his light is the best path to follow. When we are surrounded by darkness, we need to look for the light, it will show us the way and keep us strong.
Do you fear the wicked? Do you worry that you will get sucked in to the darkness? I’m not sure I can say I “fear” the wicked, my struggle is that I want to help them see the truth and find the majesty they are missing. Have you watched someone you know gravitate from the light and dabble in darkness? Maybe they’ve kept a foothold in the light, yet they are dancing around in the dark. How can we help them find their wings to fly back to God?
Let’s pray. Lord you are so good and your light is so sweet. There is such comfort in the shelter of your wings. I thank you and praise you today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.