Psalm 34

Read Psalm 34

I was really taken today by the form of this psalm and how each verse seemed to have an echo of meaning in it between thoughts.  Some were almost like “here’s another way to say it” and others were like “or this is what I mean”.  In any event, I thought it was clever and put together. The theme, too, was clear – praise–>fear–>trust in the Lord, he will take care of you.

What verses resonated with you today?  Three jumped out at me, verses 1, 8 ans 22.  We should praise the Lord at all times, in good and in bad, the Lord remains the same.  We just need to taste and see that the Lord is good.  For as the psalm promises, we will have joy when we take refuge in him.  And finally, the Lord will redeem those who serve him.  There is such joy in that truth.  We will be redeemed.  

Find a verse that speaks to you, and then as you read through it, the first time put the emphasis on the first word.  The second time, emphasis on the second word, and so forth.  This is something I like to do with shorter verses because each time I emphasize a different word, the meaning of the same verse tends to change a bit and deeper meaning can be realized.  So much wisdom in today’s reading.

Let’s pray.  Lord, I love how your word is so perfect in its lessons for us. You used just the right people to bring your message to life for us.  Help me find opportunity to share your greatness with someone this week so that they, too, can rest in your promises with the assurance and trust only you can provide.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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