This is a psalm, like many, written by an anonymous source. For me it’s harder to identify with the words when I’m not sure who wrote them. But in the case of the Bible, we can be assured that every word was inspired by God, no matter who wrote them, memorialized for us.
So, how does this particular psalm speak to us?
I had to read it over a couple times; thankfully it was a short psalm. It reminds us of God’s power and glory. It shows God moving in history. He is moving today, too, in our lives and in the world around us. Do you see where God has left fingerprints in your life?
Steve Curtis Chapman sang a song years ago called the “Fingerprints of God”. Take a listen HERE.
God is actively involved in our present, just as he was in the times captured by Scripture. Take a moment to reflect on that. Who, what, where when, how. Each of those words should elicit a thought or memory of God’s intervention.
God gave us free will, I agree, but I strongly believe that God orchestrates the options. When we choose the wrong option, he will give us “Plan B”. It is his hope and intention that we will follow him. He longs for us to be his children, to love and seek him, rejoice in him, and worship him. He wants to be in a relationship with us.
He is that mighty that he can orchestrate this for everyone, loving every person and every creature he has made. We are his. The world is his.
Think again, “where is God in my life?” Is he on the shelf gathering dust or leading the way? Maybe he’s a shadow. You know he’s there with you, yet you are still trying to be in control.
Let’s pray. Father God, I come to you today in awe of your majesty ad your provision. I see your hand prints all over my life, and I am blessed beyond measure. I feel so honored to be your child. Use me today to make your world a brighter place as I shine with your love. I trust you for safety. Help me in learning the lessons I need to learn today. Clear my head so that it clicks. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.