Proverbs 29:1-14 – Be Righteous!

Read Proverbs 29:1-14

When you hear the word “righteous” what images go through your mind? Do you picture someone acting “holier than Thou” lording over everyone with hypocrisy? Or do you picture an upright, holy person, wanting to please God in everything they say and do? We have probably observed both types of individuals, each claiming to be righteous. To be truly righteous, we must be holy and in tune to God’s plan for us. We are righteous when we are connected to God and our desires are to please him and do his work in the world.

There are several verses in this passage that speak to how a righteous person acts. In verse 6, “Evil people are trapped by sin, but the righteous escape, shouting for joy.” In verse 7, “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.”

I don’t know about you, but I would rather be shouting for joy! We all sin, even the righteous, but evil people have no hope. They are snared, they are caught, they are stuck in their sin with no light at the end of the tunnel. If we are righteous, we can rejoice in our redemption. We know that Jesus has paid the price for us. Our sin will not trap us and keep us away from God forever.

Take some time today to reflect on how you have fallen short. Are you sorry? Do you wish you could have a “do over?” Are you ready to repent and ask Jesus to reconcile you to the Father? Do you see yourself as righteous or evil?

Another example we see has to do with our relationship with the poor. Do we fight for them? Do we care for them? Or do we turn the other way and hope someone else takes care of them? Time and again in Scripture we see how God takes care of the poor. He has compassion for them, and we should, too. Those who are close to God, the righteous, will have a heart like God and want to support and protect the poor.

Since moving to Mexico, I have seen so much more poverty than I ever did living in the United States. My heart goes out to those less fortunate. I feel like God has placed me in this place to do something to serve the poor. I feel like a fish out of water sometimes, but I know he is going to use me. It breaks my heart every time someone rings our doorbell asking for work. Up to now, I haven’t been able to connect these people with anything to help sustain them. I have often just given money, and certainly have prayed for them.

How is God using you? Are you clear on your mission? Seek righteousness and God will provide.

Let’s pray … Lord, I feel so close to you and yet so far. You have given me a compassionate heart. Please use me and help me to see how I can shine for you in this place. May each person I encounter see you in me. Help me to see how I can be a refuge and help support the poor. This is not a job I can do on my own. I need you God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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