When we let wisdom lead the way, we are able to avoid many unhealthy choices in our lives. In today’s reading, we see two particular examples of this, evil people and the immoral woman. Being a woman myself, the example of staying away from the immoral woman doesn’t speak to me like it would a man.
Evil people, on the other hand, are everywhere, and this example does speak to me and should speak to you. Who came to mind when you read those words? Have you known someone who twists words and takes pleasure in doing wrong? I have a picture of someone for sure. Yes, I want to keep my distance.
Why? Why do some people get a charge out of being evil? Their actions are crooked, not straight. Weakness. They are vulnerable and easily manipulated by the evil one. We have heard that the devil is lurking, seeking his “prey.” The strong or wise would not be as likely to be his next victim. Those who are weak and desire to feel strong would be the perfect candidates.
Does that help? Evil people tend to want to throw their weight around to get attention. They are doing this out of weakness, not strength. They are doing this because they have been influenced by the evil one who likes to look good. Evil has quite an ego.
What are we supposed to do? How do we stay strong? We simply need to “follow the steps of the good, and stay on the paths of the righteous.” That sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? Maybe so, but wisdom doesn’t tend to flaunt itself. It’s not super obvious. We need to find people with integrity we can trust. We need to devour God’s word and use the knowledge we gain to help us see more clearly. We need to pray for discernment.
Have you encountered evil people who have tried to get you off course? Have you stepped into darkness before? If you have, you know best how much better it feels to be in the light, to be full of integrity, to be following the righteous, to have a relationship with God.
I’m not wishing evil on anyone, but there is something about having visited the dark side that makes being on God’s side so much more appealing, rewarding, fulfilling, etc.
What situation(s) do you want God to rescue you from?

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you for how you are working in my life. Thank you for welcoming me back after being away from you, flirting with and being controlled by evil people. I am so grateful to be on this side of that time in my life. I pray that my story and my example will help others want to turn from their evil ways. Use me, God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.