God sees everything. Everywhere. Verse 15:3 says, “The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.” Depending on how you are living your life, this proverb will either comfort you or scare you to death. One thing is sure, we cannot hide from God.
God not only watches our comings and goings, but he knows what’s inside our heart. Jeremiah 17:10 says, “I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.” There are other places in Scripture that confirm this as well. Psalm 44:21 says, “Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.” God is all knowing. Isn’t that amazing?!
Do you ever “people-watch?” That’s when you observe others as you’re waiting in line or sitting in a public place with lots of commotion going on around you. I think, particularly, of being at the airport waiting to board my plane. I can sometimes get lost just watching people, their expressions and body language, their interactions with others, how they carry themselves, etc. But there is no way I’m able to see inside their hearts. I have no idea what they may be going through in their personal life. That is not my superpower.
God does know. He sees us try to put on a happy face even when we’d rather be alone having a pity-party. He sees us being brave even though we are shaking like a leaf inside. He sees us helping others and putting their needs before our own. He sees us when we are being selfish and wanting our own way. He sees us occupying ourselves with nonsense when we could be spending time with him.
What has God seen you do today? What are you thinking about? What are you doing to keep busy? Are you fearful of something? Are you joyful? Remember God is with you. Always.
Have you ever been wronged by another person? It doesn’t feel good at all to be taken advantage of, lied about, or hurt in some way. When I think about the fact that God saw it all, there is a bit of peace that floods over me. That’s a good thing. I could spend my time being bitter or feeling inadequate, but God knows the truth. He has seen the good and the bad. There is nobody else more important that needs to know.
What does this all mean? When we talk to God, he already knows what happened so we can get right to heart of the matter. We can either fall on our knees and ask forgiveness for what we have done, or we can tell God exactly how we’re feeling because of what he has seen happen to us.
Too many people want to blame God for allowing bad things to happen. After all, he saw it, why didn’t he stop it? Ask him why? We may never know why God allows certain things to happen. But what we can be sure about is that he loves us and never leaves us. If you’re going through a tough patch, remember God is there. Ask him to give you a clue to show you the way out.
Imagine Jesus sitting beside you today. What do you see? He knows what you are going through. Talk to him.

Let’s pray … Lord, you know my heart. You know how I fail over and over again. Thank you for loving me no matter what. Forgive me for times when I am self-centered and only focused on me and my needs and desires. Give me a clean heart to be more focused on the needs of others. Use me and the gifts you have given me to draw closer to you and help others to do the same. In Jesus’ name. Amen.