Psalm 29

Read Psalm 29
God is powerful.  God is mighty.  This psalm speaks of that awesome power and how it is found/revealed in nature.  Some great images paint the scene for us!  God’s “voice”, as it were, personifying his
majesty into something we can relate to.  I’ve never quite understood the word picture regarding “mountains skipping like a calf” or “leaping as a young bull.”  What do you think that is about? The other forces of nature (God), such as lightening bolts, earthquakes, floods, now those are more familiar.  But under God’s control, they are mighty and seem uncontrolled.

I love how this psalm ends, “the Lord gives his people strength.  The Lord blesses them with peace.”  On the one hand we’ve been relishing the greatness of God’s power and might, standing back saying, “Wow, way to go, God.”  Then the tables turn and we see that same power and might is given to us, to strengthen us and give us peace.  Certainly there is peace knowing the power of God is ours.  Take a moment to just close your eyes and ponder that truth.  Did you feel it, the rush of peace flowing around you?  If you didn’t take another moment to thank God for his mighty power in your life.

Next, ask yourself, “what are the areas of my life that are causing me angst or concern?”  “Where do I need God’s strength to bring me peace?”

Let’s pray.  Lord, just as I am finding a niche in this world, give me your strength and wisdom to shine for you.  Forgive me when I try to fix the brokenness around me, I know it is out of my control.  Crush any doubt I have so that I can truly walk in your will.  Thank you for sharing your mighty power with me.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Psalm 28

Read Psalm 28

The psalmist is crying out in despair, a common theme in the psalms.  As the prayer book of the Bible, it is understandable that the writers would pour out their hearts to God, just as we do in our prayer and conversation with God.  Here, however, there is a vengeance in his tone toward his adversaries.  We see that in other psalms, too, but today these words jump out to me, “Give them a taste of what they have done to others.”  The psalmist relying on God to make it right, not taking it on himself to “get even”.

Can you think of a time where you may have said, “they need a taste of their own medicine”?  Isn’t that kind of what the psalmist is saying here? Maybe there is somebody right now bothering you to the point that you can truly relate to the psalmist’s cry.

Maybe it will be more productive to focus on ourselves, and how we can be better, not wishing the worst for those who plan evil against us or those around us.  It saddens me that so many people are lost, evil minded, oppressive, dwelling on the negative.  How sad for them to not know joy, peace and positive thoughts.

I suppose the upcoming presidential transition comes to mind as we as a nation are tending toward negativity.  No matter who has been elected to office, I think it is time for everyone to accept it (not necessarily like it) but to get on our knees and pray to God for guidance for our leaders.  We need to remember that it is our Lord God whom we trust, and in his strength we live.  (Sorry for the political reference here…)

We need to rejoice tat God has delivered us from our prisons.  Over the years, I have found myself in chains, and as I look back at those times, God, not me, was the one who showed mercy and helped me find a way out.  Can you recall a time in your life where you felt stuck, perhaps isolated from God?

If you’re like me, I’m ready to burst out in song to praise God for his continued grace, mercy and deliverance.

Let’s pray.  Thank you God for always knowing what’s best for me.  I pray for wisdom for our leaders that they may listen to your counsel.  For those who stand against me, I pray they know your peace and joy.  Lord, use me today to make a difference for you.

Psalm 26

Read Psalm 26

I don’t know about you, but I need to ponder this one a bit more than others. Perhaps I am a bit distracted.  I have just had grandchildren visiting, and now the stillness invades my soul once again yet my mind races back to the gleeful giggles and attention getting tugs on my hand to play.  In the stillness,  I am hearing bird chirping, children playing on the playground in the distance.  The sunshine is calling my name.  God’s beauty to behold.

Back to my reflections on this psalm.  I’m struggling with this – how can we make disciples if we are to avoid liars, hypocrites, evil doers and the wicked?  Aren’t they exactly our target audience, those who truly need a savior?  Perhaps the difference here is in semantics and what it means to be “with them” as opposed to being “one of them”.  Jesus himself spent tie with sinners and that caused many to question him and his motives.  I think the fear for many is in the association, that we might somehow get in trouble, be judged unjustly, or even become like them.  If we avoid them, we avoid all the risk.

The vain culture we live in tends to be so judgmental, and that can lead to fear.  On the other hand, we live in a time of tolerance, and things which would have raised eyebrows in the past no longer do, and those that continue to stand by their convictions are oftentimes ridiculed or bullied. I personally fear weakness and succumbing to the evil or sin.  I need to remember God’s promise of deliverance from temptations too great.  It becomes our attitude then and our focus.  This focus needs to always be on Jesus.  His strength is sufficient.  But we can’t let fear keep us from opportunities to further the kingdom, so long as that is our true motivation.  We must be ready to publicly take a stand for Jesus, even if it is not popular.  We must be bold and confident, in Jesus we have our strength.

So, how do you look for opportunities to witness?  Make a bold move today and share something about Jesus without someone you don’t know.

Let’s pray.  Father, thank you for your provisions to rescue us when temptations are great.  Help me to see where you want me to stand for you today (and everyday).  In  Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Psalm 24

Read Psalm 24

Handel’s Messiah.  I have such wonderful memories of singing this masterpiece of music.  Who is this king of glory?  I can just hear the music swell, and the answer is clear — Jesus!  I love when Scripture is put to music because it can take on such a deeper meaning (at least for me).  It is also easier for me to memorize and take deep within.  Having Scripture buried deep in our hearts enables us to call upon it at the proper time.

I liked the remainder of the first verse “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.”  Everything.  This truth should cause us to take pause as we look around us at we might call “our” possessions, and realize the materialism that is taking over our society is so very rampant.  I could rant on this alone for hours, and I am just as guilty when I look around at the abundance in my life.  This is even more apparent to me now that we have retired to Mexico, and as we walk through the village and meet our Mexican neighbors, I realize I have so much more than I need.

Additionally, we must remember who we belong to as well as who “our” things belong to.  I like the thought of “belonging” to God.  There is great comfort in that thought, don’t you think?  I am definitely safe and secure in that knowledge.

So what things could you live without?  Take a moment to look around you and imagine not having some of “your” things.  While you do this, remember “who” they really belong to, and be thankful you have been given the opportunity to enjoy and care for these things.  Are you holding tightly to somethings more than others?  Why do you think that is?  We need to wrestle with these questions an be ready to leave them all behind to follow the one who is strong and might, the king of glory.

Let’s pray.  Lord, help me in my struggle with possessions and to remember they are yours.  Help me to take good care of what you have entrusted to me, be respectful and thankful.  Likewise, with my body and my life, may I be a reflection of you and ready to serve others as you would have me do.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Psalm 22

Read Psalm 22

This is the psalm that i referenced in the New Testament during death of Jesus.  David’s cries here are echoed by Jesus, “My God, my God, why have you foresaken me?”  I think we, too, say that on occasion when things don’t go our way or when we feel like God has abandoned us.  But just as Jesus’ death had to happen to fulfill God’s plan, maybe too, our suffering needs to happen.  The reference to pierced hands and feet, casting lots for clothes, mocking, etc. all elicit images in our minds that seem obvious references to Jesus’ own suffering, yet I ponder these words coming from David.

Is this prophecy or are these parallel experiences?  To be noted, the cry to God for his rescue, as we should cry out.  In my version, I note in verse 22 “then”, as if the rescue must come first and then I’ll declare the wonder.  It is certainly hard to praise in the storm, but I think that we need to do just that.  When were are in the midst of a struggle, whatever it may be, we cannot, should not, forget our Lord and continue to give him praise.  It might be one of the hardest things you have to do, but we need to stay connected.  Jesus did.

I long for the day as verse 27 refers to “the whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to him.”  I don’t believe that is just a dream or a hope, that is going to be reality some day, and that it is our job to help facilitate that, spreading God’s love and truth to everyone we meet.  It’s amazing to me how many people do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

So how are we going to respond to this psalm today?  Look and around and see how may need to hear some good news.  Do you need to have action before you can be thankful?  Thank God for what he is creating in you, even if it is not yet complete.

Let’s pray.  Lord, you reveal yourself each day in the sun rise, in the chirping birds, the flowering plants, and even the snowflakes.  Your creation speaks and I rejoice!  Lord, you know my frustrations, and while not persecutions or dangers, I ask for your deliverance.  You now my heart and how I long to align with your will.  May I reflect you today.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


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