Read Nehemiah 9:4-37
What a prayer! One of the elements we often forget in our prayer time is to give adoration to God. We do this when we tell him how great he is. The Levite leaders are showing us a fine example of this as their prayer begins! Brilliantly, they recount God’s hand at work in the lives of their ancestors.
At times, I felt like I was reading a sermon and not a prayer of confession. God knows history better than anyone, but it was a good reminder for the people to hear who were praying this prayer with the Levite leaders. They need to hear how their ancestors messed up, mistreated God, and how that all turned around. You never know who in the crowd may not have heard all of the stories passed down from generations or been exposed to God’s words before. We are wise when we can learn from the mistakes of others, namely our ancestors.
Throughout the prayer, the leaders are giving God credit for so much. When we show such adoration to God and retell of his mercies, we can’t help but feel closer and more connected to him. We realize that we are not alone and God has always had our best in mind. Plus, God probably loves to hear us rave and rant about his goodness.
This prayer of confession acknowledges how their ancestors had been disobedient, disrespectful of all the blessings God provided them. It is good for us, too, to be reminded of the pattern of the people’s disobedience and God’s mercy. God has had plenty of opportunity to be disappointed in me during points in my life. Can you identify with being thankful for God’s mercy and love?
There is plenty of disobedience going on in our culture and world today. The difference I see now is that the people who are disregarding God haven’t gotten to the place where they are crying out for mercy. Will they ever? Or will they continue to fall farther away from God’s protective arm not believing in God or having need for him. It’s a sad state of affairs to be sure.
This prayer beautifully introduces the people, and us, to the qualities of God. We see God described as true, patient, caring, trustworthy, just, merciful, and good. Refer to some of these attributes in your own prayer life to give honor to God. The Levite leaders also describe God’s roles in our lives. He is Creator, Preserver, Promise Keeper, Miracle worker, Caregiver, Protector, Instructor, Provider, Conqueror, and Discipliner. Again, great reasons to thank and honor God for how he is moving.
One of my favorite verses comes in this passage. “But you are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love.” God never abandons his people. He may have taught these ancestors a lesson, letting them suffer, but God was never far away. Some might even call that divine tough love. If only the people had repented!
It’s not too late for us. We can take charge of our lives and see the areas that need refreshing. There are always ways we can change up schedules or tasks depending on what will help us draw closer to God. Even when I was working full time, and doing ministry full time, I found ways to get up close and personal with God. It’s that important. Making God a priority is easy when we have a repentant heart wanting to please God.
We see all over the place in the Bible how God desires our attention. What do you need to turn away from so that you can turn in to God? Confess that to him today and be ready for him to bless you!

Let’s pray. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do for me, Lord. I sometimes need reminders like this to see your hand at work around me, not just my heart. I confess that I often get lost doing meaningless things when I could be spending more time praising and worshipping you. Forgive me for my absence at times. You are a forgiving God, and your mercies are new every morning. I am forever grateful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.