Read Nahum 3:14-19
How ironic that Nahum’s final oracle would begin with advice on how to prepare for the onslaught. It’s like warning the enemy because what’s coming is just that horrible. I think of the countless flyers the United States dumped from the air over Japan before sending the deadly bombs that ended World War II.
Do you think Nahum intended to give them another chance to redeem themselves? He was certainly making a personal effort to protect them, even though there was no chance for survival. Nahum must have had some difficulty in proclaiming such a message. Bricks would not save them!
We see how Nahum makes this message personal with the king of Assyria. The king was singled out with a bit of a taunt. How had he let his people get so out of control? Why had he been so hungry for power that he fell into the trap of corruption?
Even the fatal blow the king was to take is mentioned here. That specificity is certainly “up close and personal.” Nahum was revealing intel that was near and dear to the leader. Would the Assyrian king be afraid? How would he respond to Nahum?
People with an overactive drive for power generally don’t pay a lot of attention to words of advice. It’s like they feel their authority is being questioned. People like that want to be admired and obeyed. Nahum’s prophecy would suggest otherwise. “All who hear of your destruction will clap their hands for joy.” This taunt tells us how ruthless the Assyrians were. Israel was not the only one adversely affected. But it would be the God of Israel who will take them down for good. A legitimate celebration is called for at the downfall of evil.
When it comes to being “up close and personal,” that’s what God wants from us. He wants us to set aside time to be intimate with him. Think of the things you’d share with a close friend and how you don’t hold anything back. It is God’s desire for us to be that transparent with him. When we allow ourselves to be open with God, we are then able to receive God’s messages in reply.
God’s word is the best source for helping us maintain our relationship with God. He speaks to us through his Word, over and over again. He also uses other godly people and circumstances to speak to us. Are you feeling like you are “up close and personal” with God, or does your relationship need a little work? Quite frankly, we can always draw closer to God!

Let’s pray … Thank you for how you have chosen people like Nahum over the ages to be your hands, feet, and mouthpieces, touching lives to make a difference. I know you are using me, too, and I feel so privileged. Help me to draw closer to you each day and help others to do the same. In Jesus’ name. Amen.