The narrow gate is an image that would have made a lot more sense to the people hearing Jesus’ words that day on the mountain. I remember teaching my Sunday School students about the life of a shepherd and the gate he prepared for his flock around a sheepfold. That’s the image I see here. A sheepfold is an enclosure for sheep, like a large corral. There is only one entrance, a narrow gate. The shepherd would oftentimes lay down as the gate himself to keep his sheep enclosed and safe.
Jesus says “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate.” We know that the only way to eternal life in God’s Kingdom is through our belief and trust in Jesus. So, Jesus is referring to himself as the narrow gate. He is the one keeping us safe. That’s a very reassuring picture. But it’s still a “narrow” gate. It may not be easy to find or navigate through.
Jesus has given us two options. The easy way–the broad road to hell, or one a more challenging narrow way to get through with boundaries and restrictions. For those on the broad road, life is carefree. If there are no rules to protect, people will get hurt. People think tolerance and acceptance is a good thing, but in the end, it is a lie bound to hurt and destroy.
The narrow road calls us to live as Jesus has been teaching us in the readings of the Sermon on the Mount. We are to treat others as we want to be treated. We are to give, fast, pray, and build our relationship with God. We know that we will be blessed and set apart from those who persecute us. We have been given a promise of life when we seek and enter the narrow gate.
If the narrow road is more challenging, why would we want to go that way? To be with Jesus forever as our final reward is my reason. We need not fear the challenge because we will not be alone. Jesus is the gate.
If we want to spend eternity with Jesus, we shouldn’t follow the crowd and do what looks to be popular. It’s human nature to want to fit in. Some would even answer a question wrong simply because the rest of the class answered it that way. Why is that?
Feeling like the minority can be daunting. Since moving to Mexico, I am always amazed when I walk down the street. Many times I am the only white person in sight. I thought it might bother me. It doesn’t. I know I am also the minority in a world of non-Christians. For this, I want to be a shining light so that others might see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven. I pray my life will be an example to someone who is seeking the truth, the narrow gate.
There was a song that I sang as a duet in our Godspell production called, “By My Side.” You can listen to it HERE.
Which road are you on? Have you found the difficult road that leads to the narrow gate? God has placed a homing device in each of us, his Spirit. Many will not recognize it. Others will call it a conscience. I know it is God living in me prompting me to get on the road that leads to life. Life with Him. I am listening. The narrow opening is ahead. I choose faith in Jesus.

Let’s pray. Lord, I don’t know how quite to express how I am overflowing with gratitude for what you have done for me. You have sacrificed your Son to be the narrow gate that gives me access to you so I can live with you forever. While I know the road is long and hard, you are with me. I am overcome with peace and joy at the thought of you walking beside me. Help me to see the way and those along the way who need a touch from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.