What is your first memory of the Golden Rule? For me, it was Sunday School. I can remember being in the “upper room”, so that must have been like 4th grade. (Funny story — that room and several others were converted years later to an office that David had as a pastor!) Rules are important to give us direction and ability to set boundaries.
The Golden Rule, the granddaddy of all rules, is really great wisdom. But, how many of us actually think through it on a regular basis? “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.” What images come to mind for you? Do you picture yourself involved, giving a friend a surprise “just because”gift because that’s what you would like to receive? Or do you see others, as in a strange man walking an elderly woman across a busy street?
This one will hit closer to home. Think about the last interaction you had with another human being. Maybe it was a conversation during a shared meal, a telephone call, a transaction at the grocery store. At the time, you probably weren’t thinking about this verse. How did you treat that person? How did they treat you? Could you have done a better job?
It is too easy to get caught up in the busyness of our lives. Sometimes we fail to pay attention to those around us like we should. Is that how we want to be treated–like an afterthought perhaps? I’m not trying to make you feel guilty here, I’m right there with you. We can all work on being a better friend in our relationships.
Does remembering these simple words resonate with you at all? Are there people with whom you need to reconcile? Are you looking forward to your next encounter so you can be more welcoming, attentive, caring, etc.?
Think about how you like to be treated by others. What comes to mind for you? To be treated with respect and dignity. To be listened to. To be held accountable for your actions. To be left alone. Maybe you like things a certain way. That doesn’t necessarily mean everyone feels the same. So what then?
I’m speculating here that Jesus was more focused on us building healthy relationships with others. He suggests how we treat other people is crucial to building a good relationship. When we think about how we like to be treated, it’s easy to translate that to others. Will we mess it up sometimes? Probably. But the point Jesus wants us to take away is to be a friend to others.
Sharing life with other human beings can be rewarding. Sharing our faith with others can be even more of a blessing. Take some time today to think through how you can be a better friend, employee, business owner, neighbor, spouse, child, sibling, etc.

Let’s pray. Lord, you want us to be in community with others. Help me set aside all the distractions and focus on you and them. You are so magnificent in all your wisdom. Help me not to discount one little nugget. If I want more attention, I need to give more attention. If I want more respect, I need to give more respect. Help me to reflect you in all I say and do. I want to welcome others so they welcome me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.