Mark 1:16-20 – Are You a Disciple?

Read Mark 1:16-20

Have you ever wondered about the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ?

Would you have been as bold as the four men in today’s reading? They just walked away from everything and everyone. They were all in for Jesus. There was no hesitation, they followed “at once.” What was it about Jesus?

Can you imagine that happening today? We are positioned such that we know how the story unfolds. We know how Jesus lived the life of a servant king and while sinless, died a sinner’s death. We have read the account of his life, and we have worshiped him. For us, it would be understandable to be in awe and leave everything behind, yet how many of us would?

Despite being well informed, I can’t imagine many could just walk away. There would be thoughts of needing to say goodbye to loved ones, settle accounts and pay bills, quit our jobs, hire someone to take care of assets, i.e. house, car, pets, etc. Do you agree?

If we were to leave immediately without hesitation – what freedom that could mean for us. Take a moment to truly reflect on being an all-in disciple. We’d be following Jesus, leaving behind our temptations, our distractions, our idols. We don’t have to physically leave, but how we spend our time, how we think and how we act will all be affected.

Are there obstacles that stand in your way of being all in for Jesus?

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for my fears and doubts that often stifle me and keep me from living the all-in life you planned for me. I ask you to help me break the cycle and give you my full attention. I know in my heart that you are my savior. Help my head to agree and let go of the distractions that keep me from fully engaging. You are great and worthy to be praised. I am in awe of you and what you have done for me. Use that awe to bring me closer to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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