Read Malachi 2:10-17
We can be thankful that God won’t leave us stuck in our sin. These verses can convict us to want to follow God faithfully, in contrast to those unfaithful Israelites who ignored God and then wondered why they weren’t being blessed. Nobody is being singled out here. As Malachi says, “Are we not all children of the same Father? Are we not all created by the same God?”
The examples Malachi gives here point directly to the Israelites and how they disrespected God, living life on “their own” terms. The Israelites had been set apart by God to be his chosen ones. God had hoped they would live their lives as good examples for the rest of the world. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The Israelites were in a pattern of disappointing God time and time again.
The focus of these verses seems to be disrespect. The people disrespected God by choosing idols, and they disrespected each other by abusing their marriage vows. The divorce rate was probably at an all-time high. God is clear on how he feels. “‘I hate divorce!’ says the Lord, the God of Israel.”
Of course, God hates divorce. He hates anything that brings pain to his children. As a parent, I can truly identify with that. I would much rather take on any struggle my children may be facing. If there was anything I could do to stop them from experiencing pain in the first place, I’d be all about that.
Malachi’s words were meant to be a wake-up call to the people who had become complacent. They had seen God’s prophecies come to pass dealing with the exile and rebuilding of the temple. But what about the ones of a messiah and time of world peace? Their impatience led them to act out in other ways. God wanted them to understand that wasn’t a good idea.
What I like about these prophecies is the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others. We can see what breaks God’s heart God’s heart and begin to understand his justice. There are so many people clamoring today about justice for this or for that cause. Who is out there fighting for God’s justice?
It’s time we bond together to remind people that God deserves respect. In Matthew 22:37-38 we read, “Jesus replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” The Israelites were not obeying that very fundamental command. Many of us today are falling short as well.
If you’ve ever been disrespected, whether in a group setting or by an individual one-on-one, you know it’s not a comfortable feeling. It’s painful and can really make you question yourself. Imagine the immense disappointment God feels when he is disrespected, when people focus more on success than on him. Or, maybe they focus on serving God, but their motivations are selfish, looking for the attention and “pat on the back.”
Take some time today to reflect on ways you’ve disrespected God. Was your last time in the distant past, or only an hour ago? Tell God how you feel about it.

Let’s pray. Father, forgive me for those times I haven’t put you first. I want you to be LORD of all in my life. Guide my steps. Guide the words of my mouth. Show me the path you have for me. My heart breaks for you and all the disrespect going on in the world today. If I can be a light to help expose and eliminate some of that in our society, please use me. I pray that I am a good example of faithful living to encourage others around me. Thank you for loving me and not letting me stay stuck in my sin. In Jesus’ name. Amen.