Read Malachi 1:1-5
The word “malachi” means “my messenger,” and may or may not be a proper name. Malachi, along with Zechariah and Haggai, shared God’s messages in the early 5th century B.C. The theme of this book continues to be “turn to God–he wants a restored relationship with you!
The temple had been rebuilt now for some years, and the people were starting to do what people tend to do—drift away from God. They were losing their enthusiasm for worship. Have you ever felt that way? What helped with your apathy and disillusionment?
The book of Malachi begins with God reminding the people how much he loves them. We sense doubt in their response. “I have always loved you,” says the Lord. But you retort, “Really? How have you loved us?” At that time, they would have looked around and seen a corrupt government and a poor economy. They had to wonder, if God really loved them, they wouldn’t be living like this.
God love goes so much deeper than the life situation you find yourself living. God reminded them they had been chosen and were special. He used the story of the brothers, Jacob and Esau found in Genesis 25. Jacob, their ancestor, was the chosen twin to fulfill the promise made to his grandfather Abraham.
Esau’s fate was sealed, but God gave him descendants in Edom. Edom was one of Israel’s chief enemies. The Edomites could have turned to God. God loves all people, but his eternal rewards go only to those who are faithful to him. That’s why messengers, like Malachi, preached to the people. God didn’t want them to be left behind and miss out on their inheritance for going down the path of unfaithfulness.
What do we take away from this today? We can agree with Malachi’s first audience and agree with this statement. “Truly, the LORD’s greatness reaches far beyond Israel’s borders!” We are blessed to be able to experience God’s greatness in our lives. We are many generations removed from the time Malachi wrote, but we as children of God, we can cherish the reminder of how much God loves us. How will you respond to God’s love today?

Let’s pray. Father, I know you love me. Each day you give me a new reason to enjoy your creation and the people around me. Use me to spread the message of your love so that others can feel confident in their future in eternity with you. Forgive me for the times when I question your love or provision or try to rush your timing. Help me to be content where you have planted me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.