Luke 2:1-20

Read Luke 2:1-20

Luke is one of the books of the Bible I’ve already walked through with you, but for today’s reading, I am bringing it back. This is a story you can never hear too many times. When God became one of us. He loved us that much.

So much focus is placed on the “holidays” these days. I think many have lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas. I’m as guilty as the next, wanting to make sure everyone’s gift is just perfect, that tree is decorated with all my favorite ornaments, etc. But amidst the craziness, there is a baby.  We remember this birth more than any other birth in history. As we should. This is the birth of a king. Our King, and he’s the Savior of the world.

What does that mean to you? Take a moment to truly reflect on what your life would look like if this baby had never been born. Did just the thought of it take your breath away? If there was no manger, there would be no cross. There would be no forgiveness and promise for eternity. How would our lives be different? Would the world even exist as we know it?

The battles are raging between good and evil all around us. We don’t even realize most of what is happening. That’s probably a good thing or we might be afraid to leave the house. We are all sinners in need of a Savior. Those of us who have put our hope in Jesus have a peace that passes all understanding. For those who don’t know Jesus, there can only be despair and a feeling of being lost.

What images of Christmas do you hold dear? Is it the decorations, the family and friends gathered, the array of delectable goodies spread around? Or is it the lowly manger? Is it the young couple who listened to God? Is it the poor shepherds on the hillside with their sheep, huddling to keep warm as they were overcome with the glory of God?

Let us not forget why we celebrate this day and who is to be glorified. Enjoy your gatherings, the delicious food, the laughter, the smells, but remember how much you are loved. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believed in him would have eternal life. That is what it’s all about. Merry Christmas.

Let’s pray. Father God. I am overcome with emotion as I think of what you did to show me how much you love me. The sacrifice you made for me is enormous. Fill my heart today with the grace I need to lead your people in worship. May my heart overflow with gratitude and peace. Bless all who gather to celebrate. Work in each of us to seek a closer walk with you. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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