Leviticus 26:1-46 – To Obey or Not

good vs evil, heart with wings and heart with devil horns

Read Leviticus 26:1-46

Life in the Promised Land is at stake. God’s prescription for life is wrapping up with this exhortation of what happens if you make the choice to disobey. If the people obey, the land will be as great as possible. If they disobey, well then, they’ll understand how God feels about that, too.

Personally, I think the sounds of an abundant land safe from enemies sound delightful. Sometimes we know who our enemies are, and sometimes we don’t. God is being transparent with the consequences. Sitting on this side of history, we know how the Israelites chose to behave. God didn’t send them into exile for a generation or two for good behavior.

They knew. The Israelites knew what behavior would please and displease God, and yet they still disobeyed. Some stayed true to God and did amazing things. We read about their stories in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, to name a few. And then there were the Pharisees and Sadducees of the New Testament.

Following the law had become an obsession with the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. Of course, God did put fear into his followers of the consequences of disobeying. But the leaders’ preoccupation with pleasing God kept them blinded from seeing God standing right before them. Jesus said to them, “what sorrow awaits you” and “blind guides” in Matthew 23.

“I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people.” This is what God wanted. Jesus came, and God walked with his people. How cool is that! God gave Israel these laws to qualify them as his people but it’s the way God wants them to live “because” of his deliverance and love for them.

My people,” God says. That suggests there are people who don’t belong to God. I don’t want to be in that group. Those in “that” group try to make their way seem enticing, but without God is not a place I want to be. In the good and bad, I like the assurance of knowing God is beside me. The bumpy patches are just a little more comfortable.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Father, I am so delighted to be spending time with you today. I look forward to spending time together. I love how your word just washes over me with new messages each time. Thank you for your laws and how much you love your people. Give me discernment to know what behaviors please you and the strength to act in those ways. May I be a blessing to those I encounter today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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