Have you ever meditated on exactly how powerful God is? As our story of crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land comes to a conclusion, we shouldn’t rush past what we just read. We saw God at work in drying up the river so his people could walk across. “He did this so all the nations of the earth might know that the Lord’s hand is powerful, and so you might fear the Lord your God forever.”
Forever is a long time. We are included in the ones who are to know about this. It says “all nations.” How powerful is God? In this instance, he held back the water from flowing. A river during flood season. We’ve probably all seen dams along a river holding back the water. What a mighty spectacle of a contraption needed to keep water cooped up!
If you’ve ever seen the aftermath of a flood, you know what crazy things water can do to damage the land, buildings, etc. God’s power is so much greater. He had done a similar thing for his people when crossing the Red Sea escaping from of Egypt. That was a group led by Moses. You’ll recall Moses simply did what God had told him and raised his staff over the sea. God parted it for all to see. (Read BeStill blog for Exodus 14.)
Such a display of protection, too! For that many people (including 40,000 troops from the two and half tribes) to cross the Jordan River treading water and swimming across would have been treacherous. Boats would have taken days to transport them all. God knew the drill. He wanted above all to protect his people from harm before they reached their destination. Nothing is too hard for God.
That’s what we need to remember when we’re facing huge hurdles in our own lives. God has not only gifted us to be the leader of our own lives, but he is there to help us lead wisely. Just like he was for Joshua. It was God who made Joshua successful. Wasn’t it? “That day the Lord made Joshua a great leader in the eyes of all the Israelites, and for the rest of his life they revered him as much as they had revered Moses.”
Are you feeling lack luster and unsure of what God has in mind for you? Or are you on fire with the spirit of God burning inside you ready to spread grace and joy everywhere you go? I’m leaning a lot more toward the latter these days. Actually. It feels great. But I’ve also been the former, wondering how God could use me? I firmly believe we are all called to some purpose. Knowing what that is and living a life that works toward this purpose makes everything click.
Take some time today to really think through your fear (awe) of the Lord. Are you aware of his power working in your life?

Let’s pray … Lord, I thank you for how you stand ready to help me grow. You never barge your way into my life but wait patiently for me to open my eyes, my ears, and my heart to welcome you. Lord, I do call on you today to be alive in me. Help me bring your light into this dark world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.