John 1:6-18 – The Light

Read John 1:6-18

The Light has come into the world. That Light is Jesus, and we, like John, are witnesses to His majesty. John was related and lived at the same time, but we are the benefactors of the Light so we also have a story.

I love this verse, “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.” We know from reading the gospels that the people didn’t recognize Jesus for who he was. They were awaiting a Messiah that would come in glory and power and set them free from the oppression and cruelty they endured. Jesus was not that kind of Savior. We can now become children of God when we believe and accept him.

We have a bit of an advantage because we have the whole Bible to use in our understanding. We can see the bridge between the Old and New Testaments and realize that Jesus is exactly who he said he was. In today’s reading, we see this light, the one true light, who gives his light to everyone. Nobody is excluded. Some may exclude themselves and not want to listen to the truth. For those, God’s heart is breaking.

Think of someone you know who doesn’t yet know Jesus. Now, imagine eternity without them. There’s not much we can do for folks who have intentionally made up their mind against God, other than to pray. We can also lead by example. It’s in God’s hands now. He’s the one who brings us to faith in the first place. That spark of light he has put in each one of us can either smolder and go out or burn brightly for all to see.

This Light was fully human and full of unfailing love and faithfulness.  As humans, we have limits to how much we can love, and our faith can waver in times of testing. Imagine loving everyone no matter what. Even the ones unlovely and evil, the ones who bully or live on the “other side of the tracks.” Do we just keep such folks at arm’s length, or do we welcome them and love them the same as those more popular and attractive? Think about that for just a bit.

When it comes to our faith, do we sometimes let doubts creep in? Do we start to believe lies that we hear from the world because they sound a little bit more believable than trusting in a God whom we cannot see? How do you keep yourself strong when those temptations come? When the going gets rough, what happens to your faith? Do you rest into it all the more, or do you step back and feel abandoned? Think about that for just a bit.

Re-read this passage.

Let’s pray. Father God, I thank you for sending your son, Jesus into this world. You knew there would be opposition and that you would go unrecognized by so many. Thank you for loving us that much to give up your kingship to redeem us and better understand our weakness. May the light of Christ burn brightly within me so that others will see me glowing. I want to give glory to you, Lord! Help me stay strong when times are hard. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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