John 10:22-42 – Who is Jesus?

Read John 10:22-42

Jesus has been identifying himself in many different ways to help people understand him and his mission. We’ve heard him reference a gate, good shepherd, Son of Man, the bread of life,  the Messiah, the true bread of heaven, and the light of the world. Today, he proclaims he is the Son of God to the religious leaders. That didn’t go well. They had stones in hand.

People just don’t go around claiming to be God. That’s blasphemy and it’s sinful. But when you are God, you should be able to say so.  Jesus doesn’t blast the news. He’d rather quietly do God’s work and have those who surround him become his followers. He tells the religious leaders, point blank, they are not part of his flock. That’s why they cannot see or recognize him for who he is. Their hearts are sealed shut.

Referring to himself as the Son of God also gives us evidence of a direct relationship, a closeness, a oneness. “The Father and I are one,” Jesus says. As I recall, the other gospels almost go out of the way to not have Jesus proclaim who he is. Instead, those authors focus on how Jesus wants his flock to recognize his voice without being told. In that way, he can see who the Father has chosen for the flock.

I want to be chosen. I want God’s favor so I can see Jesus, too. It is not by works or the things I do or say that will allow me that honor. The call is from God. How is God calling you?

We’ve got some big things happening around us right now. I have to keep my mind focused on the fact that God is in control. He has not brought us this far into a strange land to leave us high and dry. He showed us the way and cleared our path, now we wait patiently for his full plan to unfold.

Are you in a waiting pattern, too? Or are you knee deep (or higher) in the middle of God’s plan for you, engaging as he desires in the mission field assignment he has given you? As we wait, it’s sometimes hard to stay focused on what really matters. Here’s a great song to illustrate what we do while we wait. Listen to While I’m Waiting HERE.

Let’s pray. Lord, I am running the race and you are cheering me on. While I wait for you to unveil your plan for me in this place I worship and I serve. Thank you for giving me a community in which to do that. To praise your name and exalt your greatness. We may be a small fellowship, but I pray for each member and attendee, as well as the in leadership. We call it the Lord’s Church because it is yours.  We want to be pleasing to you, God. We ask that you fill us anew. Create in me a clean heart and prepare me for the adventures you have in store. I want to be ready. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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