Money can’t buy happiness. You’ve probably heard that before. Many of us will scurry about upgrading our cars, houses, jobs, etc., all in the elusive search for happiness. Wasn’t it Plato who said we humans were like leaky jars? No matter how much water (wealth) we put in, we are never fulfilled.
What do these words mean to you? “Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good?” There are plenty of wealthy people who have spent obscene amounts of money on what they thought would make them happy, only to be left miserable. Even the Israelites in captivity would have set up some sort of barter exchange for their survival. You’ll notice how this text is speaking right to them. This whole chapter is such a beautiful invitation for us to return to God. “Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life.” In other words, we don’t need to be chasing around looking for answers. Our security is with God.
God’s salvation is free. That is, free to us. The price has been paid on our behalf. I think of the arm wrestling matches I’ve watched over the years when it comes time to pay the check at dinner. There is a joy in being able to pay, but there is also joy in being paid for. That’s exactly what Jesus did for us. He sacrificed his life so that we could have access to God and his promises.
We have probably all known people who have felt empty inside despite having all the wealth they could possibly need. Why is that? They are thirsty for something that all their “toys” cannot quench. These are the people who especially need the invitation to “Come.” Their cup can be filled with overflowing joy in an instant.
We have an amazing opportunity, the outright privilege to be the messenger of this invitation. We can find people where they are and share with them the Good News. What has Jesus done for you? Don’t keep that kind of transformation or blessing to yourself. It’s entirely different when we boast in the Lord!
God’s blessings were never meant to be enjoyed by us alone. There is plenty for all. Yet we cannot offer to others what we have not experienced ourselves. Can you think of a blessing you have received? Who comes to mind for you when you think of someone who is living an empty life, thirsty for God?
If you’re feeling less than adequate when it comes to inviting or sharing your faith, remember these words. “I, the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, have made you glorious.” Glorious. God has made us. We can’t mess it up.
Our job is to simply invite others to come and meet Jesus. We don’t need to convince them about anything. That certainly takes the pressure off. We ask, and then it is God’s turn to take over and make the transformation. Jesus saves, not us. We are simply messengers of the Good News to those who are thirsty.
Here’s a song by Kutless called, “All Who Are Thirsty.” Be blessed.

Let’s pray … Lord, I do sometimes feel inadequate, so thank you for the reminder that you have made me glorious. Open up opportunities for me to share my faith and be a bold witness to your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.