Do you see yourself included in the opening words of today’s passage? In other words, are you seeking the Lord? “Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance— all who seek the Lord!” Maybe you missed that when you read this through the first time. Let me ask you this, too. Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed right now, perhaps going through your own walk in the valley?
We know that life as a follower of Christ won’t consist entirely of those mountain top, Spirit-filled, dance around the room type experiences. The one truth there is that we are Spirit-filled no matter where we are. We are never alone; it just may feel that way.
These verses remind us, too, from where we came. I don’t mean where we’re from geographically. That’s always an interesting question when people ask me, “Where are you from?” Of course, they are only trying to get a context, but many times it seems they want to know where I’m “located,” not actually “from.” Why that matters is because I’m originally from Iowa, but I’m living or located in Mexico. Context is totally different!
If not geographically, then, where are we from? “Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were mined.” My mind went immediately to the “rock” on which I build my faith. That’s where I want to come from. When people think of me, I want them to see a woman with bold faith, living her life courageously with confidence, compassion, and spunky integrity. For me, it all starts with standing on the truth of Scripture and discovering who God made me to be.
Where are you from? What is your heritage? How do you want to be seen by the world? Is it different than what they are currently seeing? Sometimes we need to recreate ourselves just a bit to be the people we want to be and, ultimately, who God designed us to be.
When you think about how God has designed the universe and everything in it, it’s mind boggling to think he also created me. Me. You. Us. We were given such a gift in being able to communicate with our creator and each other. God says in this passage, “My righteous rule will never end!” Never is a very long time! We can take solace in those words and know that God is in control now and forever.
No matter what we’re personally going through, we can agree this pandemic has caused us to experience a gamut of emotions. On this roller coaster life we live, we can have the assurance God is watching. What is happening is happening as God allows. God’s mercy and justice will win in the end. It is then we begin our happily ever after with God. We will return to our source, from where we came. “But my righteousness will last forever. My salvation will continue from generation to generation.”
There’s a lot more to this short passage, but my reflection today took me down the path of my heritage in Christ. Did something else speak to your heart? Focus on that and spend some quiet time with God now.

Let’s pray … Lord, you know my heart and how I long to be truly devoted to you. Forgive me when I let my own selfish whims and calendar commitments keep me from putting you first in my day. I love spending time with you and listening for your voice. Thank you for giving me life and never leaving my side. In Jesus’ name. Amen.