Isaiah 42:1-9 – The Lord’s Servant

Read Isaiah 42:1-9

Jesus is that servant. When we look at Jesus’ example, he gives us the perfect model of servant leadership to follow in our own circles. You may recognize this as the passage referred to in Matthew 12:18-21 as being prophecy fulfilled. It is one of the four “Servant Songs.” Do you see Jesus in these words?

What Isaiah 42:1 say about how God is “pleased with him” makes me remember the words proclaimed by God at Jesus’ baptism! (Matthew 3:17) “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” Other translations would say, “with whom I am well pleased.” The Gospel of Mark also recounts Jesus’ baptism in similar fashion.

Jesus’ mission was to bring justice to the nations. His mission is still being realized in our world today. More and more people are hearing about Jesus, yet there are still many more still living in darkness. God doesn’t want anyone to be left behind, and that’s a beautiful thing. The mission of Jesus is truly a gift that keeps on giving. But the baton has been passed, and it is now up to you and me to spread the message. How are you doing at being an ambassador for Christ?

The world needs Jesus. Many of us are feeling crushed by circumstances out of our control. We may even be feeling exhausted and burned out, spiritually or otherwise. Jesus came as the light of the world to demonstrate God’s righteousness. We, as followers of Christ, have the honor and opportunity to share in that mission. It may seem like a lot, but God calls us to be his servants, too. His promise to “take you by the hand and guard you,” extends to us as well.

Take a moment to think about what the original hearers of this prophecy thought. They didn’t have the same “lens” that we do. That is, we know that Isaiah’s words point to Jesus. Who did they imagine these words were describing? Whoever it is, this servant appears to have quiet strength, patience, and gentleness not traits usually associated with powerful leaders. Instead, the servant would be divine in nature. As far as I’m concerned, those traits are to be respected and are very much needed in effective leadership.

The question to ponder today is how can I become more of a servant leader like Jesus? Where can I serve? God will answer, so be careful how you ask!

Let’s pray … Lord, I thank you for the opportunities you have opened for me to serve. Thank you for the boldness to not be afraid to step into those opportunities. Help me to continue my faith journey growing closer to you and learning from you every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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