Chapter 11 of Hebrews focuses on faith. It is a beautiful Chapter, and we’ll reflect on a portion today. Have you ever been asked, “what is faith?” How do you describe it? While the first few verses are not a complete picture of what faith is or represents, it is what the author wanted the people to hear.
While the NLT version that I link to is my favorite translation in general, I prefer NIV for these first three verses, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” If we have faith, we have confidence in God to act. We have an understanding and trust in God that people without faith are lacking.
People may say it’s hard to believe or have faith in something we cannot see, but we do it every day. Think of electricity or the wind. We see evidence of those things just like we see evidence of God in his creation and in the miracles he works in us. In our reading today, we see examples of the heroes of faith and what their faith in God looked like.
I am continuously on a mission to please God. Verse 6 says I can’t very well do this without faith. I am not necessarily looking for a reward, but I know living forever with God in eternity is the best reward I could imagine. I know that good works and good deeds don’t get me that reward, faith and trust in God, knowing Jesus is my Savior, that’s the ticket.
I have always been a fan of Abraham’s story. He listened to God when he had no idea how it was going to happen. More than once. Abraham was so faithful. “Father Abraham” was always a favorite song during my children’s ministry days. Kids loved all of the fun motions, but I hope they got the deeper meaning here. We are all sons of Abraham. When God told him his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky – we are one of those stars! Watch a cool video of Father Abraham here.
Our reading today gives us examples so we can see more clearly how to live by faith. While our faith is often inward and personal, we reveal it in our outward response to the world. Do we let the circumstances of life crowd out our faith or make it stronger? Think about that one for a moment. When the going gets rough do we abandon God or turn in to him and seek his mercy and grace?
Maybe you are going through something right now that is consuming your every thought. I recently had to really struggle to keep this from happening to me. To let go and let God can be hard for those of us who like to be in control. My time in the recovery ministry also taught me that I am POWERLESS. God has the power, and it is my faith in his provision and promises that will sustain me.
What does your faith look like? We can all be heroes of faith for our generation.
Let’s pray. Father, your Word is so alive and full of power. Thank you for the words today that wash over me. My faith and trust in you are at an all-time high as I know you are in control and bringing about something wonderful. My job is to be patient, as Abraham was patient. I wait for your promise and provision in my life. Help me to have a bolder faith. Help me to share that with others so they too can find the peace that relying on you can bring. My faith is my confidence in you and the assurance you are there. In Jesus’ name. Amen.