Hebrews 11:17-30 – It Was By Faith

Read Hebrews 11:17-30

It was by faith that … [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE] … was able to do mighty things that many thought impossible [INSERT YOUR STORY]. What mighty story can you tell about how God intervened in your life when you stayed faithful?

The stories we read today can really conjure up some intense feelings if you put yourself in the “hero’s” shoes. Did one of the stories make more of an impact upon you than the other? I certainly have many a Sunday School memory both of learning the stories and then teaching them to a new generation of children. For me, the thought of sacrificing my child, as Abraham was about to do, makes my heart race. To imagine your son looking into your eyes asking, “where is the sacrifice?” I often cry when I read this story and am so empowered to be faithful.

In each case, God orchestrated the beautiful outcome long before there was ever a reason to act. Each hero had their place in history to move God’s story along. Each story reveals an example for us to follow or to be inspired by. Had or it not been for their great faith and obedience to listen to God’s will, who knows what would have happened. I love seeing God in action and watching his plans play out.

When I think of God’s purpose for my life and the job he has set out for me, I marvel at the opportunity. While I have not been asked to sacrifice my children, I do feel I have been asked to leave my familiar surroundings and do something big, way big for him here in Mexico. I don’t know what it is yet, but I am faithful. My feet are moving. My heart is stirring. He is surrounding me with the people who are going to help me make this a reality. God be glorified.

It was by faith that I had the strength to end a 15-year marriage to a  man who was abusive to me and my children. It was by faith that I found my voice and confidence to lead worship. Again, take a moment to fill in the blanks.  It was by faith that I, _____, did ______. Thank God for the provision.

Like Moses, we need to keep our “eyes on the one who is invisible,” and look look ahead to our great reward. When we find our purpose and are living in God’s will, there is no reason to fear. God will see it through. We may not see a parting of the Red Sea, but we should never limit what we expect to see God do in our lives. God moves when he sees we are faithful.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for how you are working in my life. I want to be faithful to you so you can use me to further along your story. Help prepare me for my assignment. May the way be clear for you to move through me. May I never limit you or what you can do with my feeble thinking. Thank you that you have chosen me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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