Read Ezekiel 36:16-38
God means what he says. For those that don’t believe, I mourn for them. This message that the LORD gave Ezekiel makes it clear that his “naughty” people did not deserve to be rescued. Their sins had been detestable, and the LORD punished them just like he said he would.
Here, he is letting the people know that they would be restored. They could place their hope and trust in these words because God does what he says he will do. God’s mercy would be revealed so that his name could be “cleared.” It seems God believed his own reputation had been marred because of the behavior of his children.
Any parent who has stood in the checkout line at the grocery store with a toddler wailing during a full-blown temper tantrum, can testify to how you believe everyone sees you as a horrible parent. God’s tarnished name went so much deeper than that! God’s plan to reestablish himself and bring honor to his name would be to redeem his people.
How many people in captivity would be living God honoring lives? The Bible tells us of Daniel and his friends who trusted God. They even got the ruling pagan king to recognize the authority and power of God. Yet there were still many Jews that had not turned to God.
Just the actions of those in Ezekiel’s audience reflected poorly on God, many Christians today are also acting in ways unpleasing to God. The word “hypocrite” is what the world would call those Christians who say one thing and do another.
Why is it still happening? Why are people today still dishonoring God and his creation so much? Ezekiel’s audience was promised restoration in this prophecy even though they didn’t deserve it, according to God.
We, too, deserve nothing but have been given everything. That’s what grace is all about. Ephesians 2 has some great verses that speak to this. Verses 4 and 5 say, “But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)” And in verse 8 we find our own gift of restoration. “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” Grace – what amazing grace!
God never stopped loving those children of his. He was extremely disappointed, but his love was constant. He may have left them in “time out” a little longer for their disobedience, but for his own standing. He is the creator of all things, after all. How does it look for our creator to be treated in such a way?
How far does God’s mercy extend to those disobedient children today? I, for one, don’t want to find out. I’m not a fan of discipline – either giving or receiving it! If only everyone, I mean everyone on this planet, would live as God had intended, living in the perfect will he has for each of our lives, can you even imagine what a world like that would look like?
Let’s pray. LORD, I do long for the day when every knee will bow at the name of Jesus, your name is above all names. I am so driven to want to give you all glory and honor in this world that wants to disgrace. If they only understood grace and how your loving mercy is for our own good. You know best, and I trust you with my life. Guide my steps to draw me closer to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.