Ezekiel 28:20-24 – More Than Doom!

a line of people looking at shapes in the sky

Read Ezekiel 28:20-24

Sidon, like Tyre, was a coastal city full of non-believers. As we saw with Tyre in more detail, God does not tolerate those who show scorn or animosity toward his children. It was perfectly understandable when God chose to punish his children, but it is quite another story when God’s children, or even God himself, is shown no respect.

This section of the book of Ezekiel continues with God’s promise of destruction. We see that the power of God was destined to fall on more than just his precious, disobedient children. For us today, that truth can be a comfort to us.

We see more than just doom for the city of Sidon. This prophecy shows God’s heart of protection for his people. “No longer will Israel’s scornful neighbors prick and tear at her like briers and thorns. For then they will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.” God is again revealing his power in the world for all to see.

How does God make himself known today? We probably all have our own answers to this. It could be something as simple as the sunset I’m watching unfold at the very moment I’m reflecting on this question. It could also be witnessing answered prayer amaze and exceed any expectation you may have had. Why do we put limits on God?

Think about where you see God moving in your life. Hopefully, you’re like me and feel on fire for Jesus, thrilled to be sharing in such an impactful way. For me, that’s working with the children and youth at La Ola Girls Home here in Mexico. I’m doing it in Spanish when I’m nowhere close to being fluent yet! God equips us for his purposes!

Maybe you’re still trying to figure out what it is God wants for you to be doing in this season of life. I’ve been there, too. Don’t stop asking God to reveal to you your passion and purpose for the kingdom.

Even in times of feeling far away from God, it’s never too late to cling to him and his promises. God loves you that much. I picture an image I saw recently of a man running toward a lost lamb in the forest. The man was in the distance, and his character was blurred out focusing on the lost lamb. It was clear by the clothing on this bearded man that it was meant to depict Jesus. Jesus would leave everything behind to reach just one more lost sheep. A lost sheep. That’s what we can feel like when we’re far from God, far from his ideal for our lives.

Don’t let God’s anger against Sidon, Tyre, Israel and other nations yet to come in this section of Ezekiel bog you down. Remember we can learn from his discipline while we are basking in his love and forgiveness bundled up as grace.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Thank you for your amazing grace, God. No matter where I am on my faith journey, it is such a comfort to know you are right beside me, cheering me on. It’s not just me, Lord. You love your whole creation, including every other human on this planet. The extent of your love is unfathomable. The magnificence of your creation continues to astound me. Help me LORD to stay focused on you and this great mission in life you have called me to. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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