Ezekiel 28:25-26 – Happily Ever After

castle on a hill at sunset

Read Ezekiel 28:25-26

Amidst all of God’s plans to discipline Israel’s neighbors, Ezekiel inserts these two verses of promise. While the verses don’t seem to fit in with the other messages, the hope they bring is like a breath of fresh air. Ezekiel had to be feeling especially heavy with all these judgment messages he’d been hearing from God.

Hallelujah! There was a light at the end of the tunnel. The judgment of Judah has already come. The reality Ezekiel and his people were living in was captivity in exile. Others had run for the hills ahead of Jerusalem’s fall. What a wonderful message to know God is going to make all things right in the world.

One day, God promises Israel, they will return to their own land. No matter how far they have strayed, God will find them and bring them back. We know from reading Ezra and Nehemiah that the Israelites do return one day and even rebuild the temple. God makes the way for them just as he promises here.

Such a relief it must have been to receive such an encouraging promise, even if it left more questions. The most burning question would have likely been, “when will this take place?” When we find ourselves stuck in a problematic situation, we are anxious for solutions. We want clarity on when it will all be over. For now, the people would need to trust God that he will make all things right when the time is right. In the meantime, what lessons can be learned from such a situation?

What is it that you are trusting God for at this moment? We all have challenges that crop up causing us to rely on God. The waiting on God can be hard. But I feel even more sadness for people who don’t know how to trust God and trudge through life without the hope of salvation or witnessing God’s unfailing love and grace. Be thankful that we can trust in such a faithful God!

One last reflection I have is how these verses show that persecution is not new. God’s people have always been under attack from enemies in one form or another. History is full of examples where God’s people have been abused, ridiculed, imprisoned, and even killed. Persecution is real and at an all-time high for Christians around the world today.

If you are feeling under attack for your faith or Biblical viewpoint, hold tightly to this promise. It can be for us, too. Our response to God’s promise is ours to make. I choose to live a life of obedience to God, seeking his will for my life while being a light to shine into the darkness. What does your response to God look like?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, you are holy, magnificent, and wise. I can’t begin to fathom your majesty. Thank you for your promise to protect and restore your people. I know these passages were originally meant to apply to a particular situation, but I trust that you are still looking out for us today. You are fighting more battles than we can possibly imagine. Give me the courage to stand strong and firmly grounded in your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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