I have always been intrigued and maybe even a little envious of the people who fled Egypt. As a child, I watched The Ten Commandments starring Charlton Heston, and the story came alive for me. As I read today’s passage, I marvel at what these people have witnessed. Do they realize how privileged they are? Are they beyond grateful for what God did for them? I think not.
Moses is reminding them yet again of exactly how blessed they are. But he warns them they can’t rest on their laurels, so to speak. They still need to obey God’s commands. Out of their reverence for God and what he has done for them, they should desire to follow and obey him–at least you would think so. Moses’ words can speak to us, too. “The Lord is God both in heaven and on earth, and there is no other.”
God is God and we are not, is another phrase that comes to me. Many times, we think our own power is pretty amazing and we strut ourselves around flaunting this or that accomplishment. We, too, forget who is running the show, empowering us, loving us through our trials, tribulations, successes, and triumphs. We are nothing without God.
As we are in the midst of a global pandemic, it seems like the rules change daily. Each country is handling this differently, as you would expect. Each person is also handling it differently. Some are worried, others are not. Some are sick, others are not. Some are ignoring the safety precautions, others are not. It is a good example of how the very same event is being dealt with so differently. People are driven by fear and avoidance of pain. God is driven by faith and love.
How are you coping with what is going on in the world? If you are reading this in the future, the pandemic is likely only a memory. But there is certainly something going on in the world that is keeping your attention. When we are facing something that is bigger than ourselves (most things), we can rely on God. He is there. He is one step ahead of us. He knows our struggles. I don’t know about you, but just the mere thought of that helps me to breathe easier, lightens my burden, gives me peace.
I’ll close today with Philippians 4:7, “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Let’s pray… Lord, you are mighty to save. Your mighty acts continue to amaze me. May I never lose focus on you as my sustainer, my provider, my friend. Calm my heart today. Help me to see clearly and see how I can help others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.