There have been many things in our lives that we want to forget, particularly bad experiences, hurts, and abuses. But we should always hold dear those memories we have of learning about God, witnessing God in action, and hearing God’s voice. Moses has spent the first 3 chapters of Deuteronomy walking his audience (and now us) down memory lane. As his sermon to the Israelites continues. He is cautioning them in preparation for their new life.
Moses reminds the people of what they have witnessed. I wouldn’t think it would be easy to forget, yet new generations are born and need to be told. Traditions and beliefs have been passed down over the ages. Moses sets it up beautifully by saying, “Obey them completely, and you will display your wisdom and intelligence among the surrounding nations. When they hear all these decrees, they will exclaim, ‘How wise and prudent are the people of this great nation!’ For what great nation has a god as near to them as the Lord our God is near to us whenever we call on him?” Don’t we all want to look wise. Shouldn’t we all want God to get the credit?
Not all of us do. Many want the glory, the attention, the applause. The world is full of those seeking success for their own motives. I, for one, have had a hard time most of my life taking credit or praise for a job well done. Instead of being gracious and thankful, I have often tried to downplay my achievement or give credit to others, etc. Giving God the glory for what I do and say is how I roll these days. When God is involved in my life, in my planning, in my dreaming, there is a much better chance for success.
Think of all the things you have learned in your lifetime. You should be overflowing with knowledge. Sometimes we allow ourselves to fill our heads with useless knowledge that doesn’t help us or anyone else for that matter. Wouldn’t it be a better use of our time if we spent time reading, learning, growing, and having meaningful conversations. Have you thought about how what you know could help others? There is so much to be learned from others as well. We will need to be intentional about seeking new knowledge and sharing what we have.
For today, remember how God’s story unfolds in the wilderness and how God is using Moses to prepare the people to enter a land he (Moses) will never enter himself. Bittersweet to say the least! We must never forget how God rescues those he loves. We must beware of the world and it’s temptations. The Lord commanded his people to fear him and obey his commandments. There is no gray here. We know what we’re supposed to do.

Let’s pray … Lord, I thank you for how you rescued your people. You gave them clear instruction and your servant, Moses, was patient until the end. I want to follow and obey. I want to have a clear word from you. May I open my ears to hear your message today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.