Romans 12:14-21 – How to Be Good

Read Romans 12:14-21

There are so many little gems in today’s reading, all pointing toward making us better human beings in our relationships with others. What do we see?

The first one is probably one of the hardest. We are to bless those who have wronged us or hurt us in some way, especially for our faith. What does he mean here, to bless? I suppose the opposite of curse. Forgiving is not to condone their actions, but it does cleanse our own heart.

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Romans 12:9-13 – Love is…

Read Romans 12:9-13

Remember the “Love Is..” comics? I wanted to use one for the graphic today but I couldn’t find one that was available for reuse. You’ll have to google that if you don’t remember. Paul continues to lay out some directions for how we should live and what love should look like.

After all, Jesus told us to love one another. That can be a new concept for many. Sometimes it’s hard to even love ourselves. But let’s take a look at what Paul is telling us here.

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Romans 12:3-8 – What’s Your Gift?

Read Romans 12:3-8

How many people are gifted by God and either don’t know what that means or don’t realize how they can use their gift(s)? Others may know their gifting, but for some reason choose to leave the gift unopened or unused. Tragic. Do you know what your gift is? Paul cautions us not to think we are better than the next, but be humble.

God has given us each something, a gift, to use in strengthening his body. Just as our own bodies have many parts, the ear, the eye, the arm, the foot, and so forth, each part has a job to do. They are all related in some way, and when our parts work together we are able to walk, talk, play music, kick a ball, lift, carry, smile, and the list goes on and on.

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Romans 12:1-2 – Living Sacrifice

Read Romans 12:1-2

We have just finished a section in Romans where Paul has been trying to figure out how the Jews fit into God’s plan. Why? Because Jesus has come and they don’t all recognize him God’s son. As we move on, now, it’s almost as if Paul shrugged and said, “God is just too magnificent, how can I ever begin to try and understand his intentions!”

Today’s reading starts with an interesting word, “Therefore.” In the New Living Translation, it was “And so.” I chose NIV today because the passage was more familiar for me using words I have memorized for this verse. There is a lot of wisdom in these two verses. Chapter 12 is very meaty as it lays out how we should live.

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Romans 11:25-36 – Don’t Question God

Read Romans 11:25-36

You’ve heard it said, “God is God, and I am not.” That couldn’t be truer. God has everything figured out; meanwhile, we fumble about trying to make it through life. We try to take control of things we can, often trying to “play” God. We will do better to just acknowledge God as the epitome of wisdom, grace, and mercy.

When we begin to question God and his actions, we open ourselves up to trouble and disillusionment. There is no way for our human brains to even begin to understand God’s ways. When we hear about “big picture” thinking, God knows it best! Take a moment to just revel in the majesty of God. He handles so much and still has time for each one of us!

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