Proverbs 27:1-16 – No Bragging Allowed

Read Proverbs 27:1-16

The nuggets of wisdom continue. I’m sure if I read this same passage a week from now a different proverb would speak to me. But for this reflection let’s look at verse 2. It says, “Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth—a stranger, not your own lips.” I have always struggled with tooting my own horn. It’s also hard for me to accept praise from others. What about you?

Do you have a hard time accepting compliments or praise? We all know people who don’t seem to have any trouble telling others how awesome they are. In fact, you may even be picturing a few of them this very moment. It’s not attractive is it? When we see others applauding their own success it can be intimidating, too. It’s much more acceptable when another person is praising them for their good deeds.

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Proverbs 26:13-28 – Don’t Tell Tales

Read Proverbs 26:13-28

We’ve probably all sat around a campfire at one time or another in our lives. I have vivid memories at Bible camp, when camping with the family, and even sitting in the backyard hovered over someone’s raging fire pit. I can almost smell the smokey aroma left in my clothes. And who could forget the s’mores!? But when the wood is gone, so is the fire.

I liked verse 20 today because it conjured up these campfire memories, singing songs, and relaxing in nature under the stars. We read, “Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.” This isn’t the first time we’ve been cautioned against gossip or telling of tales. Remember that gossip is telling negative information (tales) about someone to either hurt them or impress a hearer with the news. It does not matter whether the information is true.

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Proverbs 26:1-12 – Are You A Fool?

Read Proverbs 26:1-12

Now that’s a blunt question, isn’t it? I mean no disrespect. Today’s focus seems to be on the foolish, those who focus on folly rather than God. What’s folly? Simply put – it is lack of good sense. It’s not a word we use much these days. In a Biblical sense, a fool is not a person with a low IQ, but rather one who doesn’t have respect for God and often goes the wrong direction in life. Fools could then be rather smart, but not in the ways of the godly.

When we surround ourselves with God-fearing people, trusting them and the truths of the Bible, we are likely not to fall into the foolish category. Thankfully. So, what verse spoke to you in this passage? The “fools” theme is pretty clear. I liked verse 4, “Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.” Bam! I’m not an argumentative person in the first place. But I’ve been witness to plenty of arguments, disagreements, power plays and such. I’ve seen “fools” strutting about trying to make their point. They can be convincing to those who are “weak.”

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Proverbs 25:15-28 – An Understanding Friend

Read Proverbs 25:15-28

Think of the friends you have had over your lifetime. Say a silent, all-inclusive prayer for them that God will meet their needs today. Some may have passed on, others you see regularly, and others have gone their way and may be totally out of touch. It’s interesting how life happens, and friends come and go.

The proverb I chose today speaks volumes on how we can be an understanding friend to someone going through a dark season. Verse 20 says, “Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart is like taking someone’s coat in cold weather or pouring vinegar in a wound.” I am one that believes music can heal anything. Musicians are like that. However, we are warned here in this nugget of wisdom. Don’t be too cheery around friends who are struggling. It doesn’t help. Your upbeat demeanor is NOT going to “rub off.” It may even make the situation worse, like pouring vinegar on a wound – ouch!

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Proverbs 25:1-14 – Keep Your Word

Read Proverbs 25:1-14

Disappointment. Nobody likes to be disappointed. If you can avoid it, never disappoint someone else. Today’s verse (14) says, “A person who promises a gift but doesn’t give it is like clouds and wind that bring no rain.” For a bit of context, think of how dry it is in Israel. Yet there are farmers and people who live off the land. Imagine the joy when a cloud appears in the sky. A cloud dark in appearance would seem to promise rain. Imagine the let down when it passes over without a drop of rain having fallen. The frustration is great.

I think we have all experienced disappointment in our life at one time or another. We have relied on someone’s word, and they let us down. I am taking the “gift” in this verse to mean any act of service or promise that is made to benefit someone else. If I say I’ll arrive tomorrow to take you to the store, I need to keep my word and show up at the appropriate time. If I don’t, you will not only be upset you will not get the items you needed at the store.

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