Mark 12:18-27 – What’s Next?

Read Mark 12:18-27

Resurrection. It’s a term we hear in the church as it relates to Jesus. He was dead, and then he was not – he was resurrected, raised from the dead.  Jesus has been preparing his disciples for this phenomenon, yet they don’t understand.

We may also think of the story of Lazarus, Jesus’ friend, who was also dead. After Jesus spoke, Lazarus was raised back to life and no longer dead. The difference is Lazarus died a second time but Jesus did not. Jesus ascended to heaven and is preparing a place for us. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

If today’s reading left you puzzled, you are not alone. I, too, was left scratching my head. It’s question three posed to Jesus, and this time by the Sadducees, an aristocratic group of priestly families. They were known to accept as their authority only the written Law in scripture.

We may also wonder about resurrection and what it means for us and for our loved ones who have gone before us. Questions about what happens to us when we die have been  asked for centuries. Jesus cautions us, “you don’t know the power of God.” It is true, there are many mysteries, and God’s power and might are right at the top of the list.

We must not limit God to our own understanding. Jesus suggests the possibility of solutions, and a reality quite different from one we could ever imagine. The understanding of Scripture can also unlock a wisdom for us and a glimpse at the goodness of God, the greatness of God, and the grace of God. It is by that grace that we are saved.

Do you want a peace about your life and your after life? Have a relationship with God, know Jesus as your friend, and rely on the Holy Spirit in all you say and do. Focus on God’s word as His message to you. God’s word is alive and powerful, and it will accomplish what it says and sustain all who hear it.

Let’s pray. Lord, I come to you today again amazed at your powerful grace. There is nothing I can do to deserve it because you give it so freely. Help me to get my mind around that truth and give my life to you completely. May it be crystal clear to those I encounter that you are Lord of my life. Thank you that the fear of death for me is only the thrill of spending eternity with you. May I take each day that you give me as a gift and pass that gift on to others. Thank you for the freedom you have given me to dream and to soar. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 12:13-17 – Listening

Read Mark 12:13-17

Today’s reading is question number 2 in a series of 4. You may recall the leaders and teachers of the law tried to trap Jesus in a previous passage when it came to authority. Jesus quickly turned that around. Now they send others to pose question number two. We see supporters of Herod here, so possibly government officials.

As a bit of historical background, you may recall at the time there were uprisings and disputes with paying taxes. Tax collectors were often thieves. So the question of lawfulness, posed to Jesus here, is quite pointed for the time. Note that Jesus never said “pay”. Jesus again displays a teachable moment.

I wouldn’t expect anything less from Jesus than pure tact and wisdom. We should take a cue from this in our own dealings. He doesn’t simply tell us what we ought to do, but he suggests how we ought to think about our decision.

I read something recently that said our problem today is that we don’t listen to understand, we listen to respond. Think about the last conversation you had. Were you listening for understanding, or were you listening and computing the response in your head the whole time? I know I’m guilty of the latter and really hate to admit that. My husband, on the other hand, is much more the understanding guy.

Here Jesus was quick to respond, but he first listened to understand. What did he mean when he said, “give to God what belongs to God?” Everything belongs to God–creation, money, us, everything. We need to be ready to give ourselves to God. That is what he desires. How are you doing at giving God what belongs to him?

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you this reminder and wisdom. I and everything around me belongs to you. Help me remember that and not be so ready to cling to things. May my heart be clean and ready for you. Thank you that you give me ears to listen for understanding first. Help me to work on that. Thank you for the excitement you have placed inside me to share your word with others. Bless my friends and family this day and all those who are suffering and mourning around the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 12:1-12 – Who is in Charge Here?

Read Mark 12:1-12

We see corruption all around us today, and Jesus describes it beautifully here in his example. I suppose the word beautiful and corruption should not occur in the same sentence. But Jesus is warning them and us to be on the look out for evil. It will take on forms we might not realize. It may invest trusted leaders; nobody is immune.

If we have a heart beat, we are a target for Satan’s evil schemes. I posted something recently: Devil says, “They’re all mine.” Jesus says, “Over my dead body.” Think about that for a moment or two.

Today’s reading is thought to happen very soon after the teachers of the law were questioning Jesus’ authority in our prior text. Now they are feeling a bit put in their place as they see themselves in Jesus’ story. They retreat. Do you think the rest of the people understood the significance?

Do you see the players in this story. Just in case, we have the owner of the vineyard (God), the vineyard (Israel), tenants/farmers (religious leaders),  servants (prophets), son (Jesus). Reread if you need to for context. The concern here is the tenants’ improper use of their authority. This wisdom is for us today, any of us in church leadership. Pastors are especially suspect. Who are we serving and following?

The quoting of Psalm 118 here. “The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.” Jesus, the rejected one, is now the cornerstone and foundation for the new Christian church. On Jesus, we build our trust. He is our sure foundation.

“This is the Lord’s doing, and it is wonderful to see.” Anything that the Lord does is wonderful to see. Imagine the brilliance of the sun, or the magnificence of a sunset each evening. The budding of the trees with each new Spring, and the leaves turning at harvest. It is all God’s doing and for that we should be gratefully awestruck.

Have you ever felt rejected? Maybe you’re walking through a time of sadness right now. I don’t know if it helps, but know that you are in good company. Even Jesus was rejected, and from that rejection (the Lord’s doing for us) something beautiful came to be. Think on the price Jesus paid for you. How do you respond?

Let’s pray. Father, thank you for this illustration into your truth. I never want my self ambition to keep me apart from you. I never want to be so focused on the wrong thing that I forget who is in charge and who has my back. I pray for those who are still allowing evil into their hearts and  minds, filling them with lies that only keep them from you. Use me Lord to help them realize that they are being deceived by the evil world. Satan is crafty and we must stand strong. You have equipped us with the battle gear we need. May I never forget to arm myself to defend your kingdom and proclaim your great love for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Mark 11:27-33 – God’s Authority

Read Mark 11:27-33

I’m trying to picture today’s reading taking place. Because of all the movies that have been made over the years, I have a real good picture of what the dress of the priests and teachers of the day would be wearing. Then comes Jesus, dressed not as elegantly, yet he is the king of all.

We can be easily deceived by appearances, can’t we? Sometimes we take the liberty to judge others based on appearance alone. I’m not saying this is what the priests and others were doing here; they were troubled by what Jesus was saying and doing. They questioned his authority for it was new and different, and it threatened all that they held dear and sacred.

But did it really? Jesus was God after all, and they were in the business of believing and teaching about God, were they not? But they were blind. Jesus, the Lord himself, was standing in their midst. They should have been bowing down and exalting him. But that was not how the story was set to play out. Jesus would not be able to take on the sins of the world if he had been made top dog in those circles.

Again here, in Mark’s account, we see Jesus with a bit of an attitude. Obviously we don’t know Jesus’ proper inflection or tone, but I get the impression he was keeping his posture, despite their attempts to trap him. Genius. Do you think if Jesus had answered, “by God’s authority” they would have believed him? How do you think the scene would have played out then?

I don’t want to be blind to Jesus and his working in my life. I’m sure you don’t either. We may be placed in situations that are uncomfortable. We may encounter people that don’t look like us or act like us, and that’s okay. God can see within, and we can trust God to bring us to the people he wants for us spend time with, to help, to look out for. On God’s authority, we can stand strong to fight the battles of this world together.

Let’s pray. Lord thank you that you have given me eyes to see and ears to hear your voice. Help me to slow down and take you all in. I pray for all those people who are still running the rat race of life at an unhealthy pace. Watch over and protect them, especially those I hold dear in my heart. Help me to see with your eyes those who need a word form you. Don’t let me close in on myself and not venture out to enjoy your beautiful creation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Mark 11:12-25 – Glad I’m Not a Fig

Read Mark 11:12-25

Well, the scene I was expecting in yesterday’s reading happened today. I didn’t read ahead! Sometimes we look ahead to see what’s coming and that can ruin the story for us. Have you ever read the last chapter in a book to see how it ends? Here, it doesn’t matter, we know how it ends. When all is said and done – Jesus is VICTORIOUS!

The money changer story had to be there as it was a pivotal point. The Mark tells us the Pharisees ‘began’ to plan Jesus’ death. They were seriously afraid, most likely threatened, because people were following Jesus and their authority was being questioned. Have you ever been in a place where your authority was questioned? How did that feel?

The story about the fig tree has always amazed me. It seems like it can only be conceptual and not actual. It is probably both, I just need to open my mind. I certainly wouldn’t want to have God’s condemnation on me and my bearing fruit.

Personally, I feel I am just now coming “into season.” All those years up to now have been my planting and watering years. I have been growing steadily, from a seedling to a young tree.

Having planted a bit of an orchard when we lived in Wisconsin, I know that the fruit doesn’t show up for several years after planting. Even then, there is care required to make sure the branches are pruned and ready for the fruit to arrive. As I look back on my life, I have been pruned well, felt pain often, and now I am ready to bloom.

Having moved away from our orchard before the years of plenty, I was always curious about how ‘our’ fruit turned out. We visited our old neighborhood recently. There was fruit everywhere. One of the trees had grown so big the branches were literally falling over and laying on the ground. It was sad. Clearly, that poor tree had not been pruned, and so much of the fruit laid rotting on the ground.

So let that be a lesson to us, pruning is helpful. Our struggles and pain can be just what we need to prune us and ready us for what God has planned for us.

Jesus used this example as a teachable moment for his disciples as well. The poor fig tree was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Jesus believed that his words would not be empty and that God would move. No one will ever eat of that tree’s fruit again. He spoke it, believed it, and it came to pass.

God’s hand is mighty. We need to believe in it 100%. He will act. Our part is to forgive others so that we can be set free. When we are harboring negative emotions, we are not truly cleansed and open for the work God has for us. We cannot fully trust in his provision or plan. What are you holding on to? Who do you need to forgive?

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for my lack of focus and the stronghold my emotions have had on me this week. You have given me such a beautiful purpose, but my humanity has gotten in the way. Help me to let go of the hurts of the past and truly forgive those who have hurt me. Help me love on those around me as they deserve. My pity party is over! Thank you that you are already pulling back the curtain and letting the light back in. These dark days are over because of what did and how much you love me. You have given me a job to do. Thank you for the opportunity to shine once again for you and make you proud of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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