John 1:1-5 – Jesus, the Word

Read John 1:1-5

Sometimes I think John should be the first book of the New Testament because it begins as the first book of the Old Testament. “In the beginning.” But I’m sure there was a reason for the order the Bible texts were placed.  What we do know from this is that Jesus was there at creation. He wasn’t Jesus yet because that was the name given him for humans. For now, our Jesus is “The Word.”

He was with God and is God. That is quite something to wrap your head around. But then understanding the immensity of God and how incredible he is, we should not be surprised. We will never be able to fully explain God or truly understand him. That’s not our job. Yet, it does help to understand the very God we want to more resemble. Continue reading “John 1:1-5 – Jesus, the Word”


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