John 1:29-34 – Lamb of God

Read John 1:29-34

Today, John introduces the one for whom he has been preparing the crowds. John’s mission from God had been to prepare the way, and from our reading today we hear more about that mission. John himself didn’t recognize who the Messiah was until he saw the Holy Spirit descending like a dove, just as God had told him. The sign from God had revealed the identity of Jesus.

You may recall the other gospel writers don’t reveal Jesus’ true identity quite so boldly. Here in the first chapter, John has already called out Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God! In particular, John introduces him as the Lamb of God. I understand these are the only Biblical references to Jesus being the “Lamb of God.” What does that mean, exactly?

From what we know about the sacrificial system in place in Jewish tradition, a lamb represented a precious sacrifice needed to cleanse people from their sins. But to take away the sin of the whole world seems like a very big sacrifice. It would indeed take the Lamb of God to pull that one off.

I’m sure the people of that day were a bit confused. They were used to the temple ritual where a lamb was sacrificed every morning and evening for the sins of the people (see Exodus 29). Now they are seeing a human, Jesus, being called the Lamb of God.

John, in all his exuberance, shared his mission openly. He was baptizing people with water at God’s instruction. John’s baptism was preparing the way because he was calling the people to repentance and cleansing, to be ready to accept Jesus. All the while, John was waiting for Jesus to come through the crowd for his own baptism so John could see the dove.

Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit, not water. Again, what did the people think? The Holy Spirit would be sent by Jesus when the time was right to empower the people. Jesus’ baptism would be a while in the coming.

John listened to God and obeyed. He took his mission seriously. This is a good model for us to follow. Are you clear on your mission from God? Do you feel like you are in the middle of it right now? Are you in amazement at how God is working around you? Maybe you’re still waiting to hear God’s voice leading you. Sometimes we are in a pattern of resting where we are to grow to be prepared. John waited for the dove. What are you waiting for?

Let’s pray. Father God, I thank you for the mission you have given me. I am being faithful as I wait for you to move and push me forward. Forgive me for holding back when doubts creep in. Use my words and help me to be more in tune to you in my speaking and interacting with others. Give me the words you would have me to say. I love it when you do that. Use me. I am waiting. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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