December 9 🌟 Serve Without Fear (Luke 1:67-79)

Read Luke 1:67-79

Picture of one man washing another man's feet - depicting Jesus washing disciples feet

These are the beautiful words prophesied by Zechariah, father of John the Baptist. Picture the scene: Zechariah was finally able to speak after months of being unable. His son had just been born, and he had had an encounter earlier to know that this baby of his would become a great prophet of God.

Imagine how Zechariah was feeling as the Holy Spirit took over and spoke through him. If you’ve ever experienced the Holy Spirit speaking through you, then you know how delightful it is. There is almost a tingling when you realize that your words are suddenly not your own. Zechariah’s voice had been silent for so long, that this would be his first utterance is brilliant!

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December 8 🌟 Shout It Out (Isaiah 40:1-11)

Read Isaiah 40:1-11

A man with his hand near his mouth, mouth open as if shouting

I have the song “Comfort Ye My People,” from “The Messiah,” running through my head now. While this is a tenor solo, and I was an alto, I treasure precious memories of singing with my dad in our church choir growing up. Handel’s Messiah has a special place in my heart. The words of Isaiah in this passage are clearly the inspiration for that musical selection!

How do these words speak to you today wearing your “Advent Lenses”? We probably recognize the “someone” shouting in the wilderness, to be John, centuries later from when these words were written. “Clear the way through the wilderness for the LORD!” I’d like to think that we, too, can be messengers trying to clear through the “gunk” in this world to make a way for Jesus to be known.

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December 7 🌟 Daniel Sees Jesus (Daniel 7:13-14)

Read Daniel 7:13-14

Jesus in the clouds

In his vision, Daniel saw “someone like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven.” After our last few passages spoke of Jesus in this way, it is good to see the source. Jesus also referenced this verse to refer to himself (Matthew 26:64; Luke 21:27; John 1:51). I love when I find examples of where verses point to each other.

Daniel didn’t know he was seeing Jesus. If you read the earlier part of Chapter 7, you’ll see that Daniel’s vision had included all sorts of beasts. He clearly recognized that there was another figure, one that looked like a man, in the presence of God, the Ancient of Days.

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December 6 🌟 The Son of Man Will Come – Matthew 24:36-44

Read Matthew 24:36-44

empty penches along a sidewalk with pink flowers and trees behind

In our Advent reflections, Matthew now weighs in on the return of Jesus. We’ve read through the accounts of Mark and Luke and noticed some overlap. Here again, there are similar themes. As a disciple, Matthew would have had a front row seat to Jesus’ foretelling.

The news Jesus shared about his return would have certainly been hard to believe. Not because Jesus himself is unbelievable, but because the people hearing would not be used to having people go to and from heaven. Death was usually a one-way street. But Jesus’ death was not final. He rose from the dead and then ascended into heaven. Jesus is alive!

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December 5 🌟 Your Salvation is Near (Luke 21:25-36)

Read Luke 21:25-36

Woman walking into a tunnel with bright lights at the other end

If we were wondering what to look for, Jesus clears it up for us in today’s passage. As we are walking through Advent together, it’s easy to get caught up in the distractions of the Christmas season. Magnificent as Jesus’ birth was, that was only Jesus’ first coming. He is coming again, too!

When he does, he will bring our salvation. At last, we’ll have our ticket to live with God forever, forgiven, and free. It’s the hope we have in this promise that keeps us going when we feel burdened, fearful, or doomed.

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