In his vision, Daniel saw “someone like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven.” After our last few passages spoke of Jesus in this way, it is good to see the source. Jesus also referenced this verse to refer to himself (Matthew 26:64; Luke 21:27; John 1:51). I love when I find examples of where verses point to each other.
Daniel didn’t know he was seeing Jesus. If you read the earlier part of Chapter 7, you’ll see that Daniel’s vision had included all sorts of beasts. He clearly recognized that there was another figure, one that looked like a man, in the presence of God, the Ancient of Days.
When clouds are referred to in the Bible, it is usually to signify “majesty” or the awesome presence of God. The clouds in Daniel’s vision fit in beautifully with this to explain why Jesus, and the gospel writers, referred to Jesus as the Son of Man.
What does God give to this son of man? “Dominion, and glory, and a kingdom.” Clearly, this was a VIP in God’s presence. What a beautiful Advent image, don’t you think? That’s where Jesus is right now as I write this. He is with the Ancient of Days, full of glory, enjoying a kingdom bowing at his feet.
Think of the grandeur! I’m not sure we can quite wrap our feeble minds around it. And to think Jesus left all of that behind to first come to earth as a baby, and he’ll leave it again to rescue us. How does that make you feel? Really feel?
If that wasn’t a mic drop moment, you need to close your eyes and just take a few deep breaths in and out. Picture Jesus reaching out to you from the majesty of heaven to swoop you up with him. Forever. If you’re like me, you feel a bit woozy and certainly unworthy.
I didn’t grow up as a “entitled” child in my own mind, but to some in the world, I was rich beyond their wildest dreams. Why should I feel unworthy? I may even gauge my own success by those around me. That is a slippery slope to be sure. We don’t have to compare ourselves to anyone other than Jesus. We will fall short, but we know what we’re aiming for at least.
Jesus knows we’ll fall short. Romans 5:8 reminds us, “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”
In case you read some of Daniel’s vision before our text starts in verse 13, you might be wondering about the beasts. As I understand it, they represent symbolically the Gentile nations and those opposed to God. While the Son of Man is to reveal the kingdom of God available to all people who believe.
You can imagine why people alive when Jesus came the first time expected their Messiah to be a mighty ruler. If Daniel’s text was noted by scholars in that day to point to their Messiah as the Son of Man, the humble servant king Jesus revealed to the world was certainly a surprise.
Our Jesus, the Messiah, will be and is ruler supreme of God’s kingdom. This is our Savior, the servant king who sacrificed himself for us. Jesus is preparing a place for us, and we are to wait patiently. Take extra time today to give thanks and praise to your Almighty King!

Let’s pray. King Jesus, I thank you for stripping yourself of your royal position to put on flesh for me. To think you love me so much to die for me, redeem me, and take my sins upon yourself. I don’t need to feel unprepared to serve you because you will provide all that I need as I need it. I trust you and adore you, Christ the Lord. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.