Acts 9:1-19 – Being Used By God

Read Acts 9:1-19

We all have a past. Some of us are not at all proud of some of the things we have done, or choices made. I have been comforted by knowing that God loves me no matter what. He has a very big eraser, and once sins are forgiven, they are forgotten. God forgives and forgets. That’s hard for us to understand because while we may forgive someone who has done us wrong, we certainly find it next to impossible to forget the offense entirely.

Today we see a man who has a past. Saul was a key player in the persecution of new Christ followers as the early church was emerging. We hear he was “eager to kill the Lord’s followers.” Now that sounds ruthless and unloving to us, yet God saw something special in Saul. He was ready to forgive Saul before Saul knew what was happening. It’s a beautiful of example of God using the unlikely in big ways. He can use us, broken as we are, for good things, too.

This transformation story has always been special to me. It speaks to how a loving God has a plan for each of us. Even if we are off track today, it is never too late. We may not be wanting to arrest God’s people and put them in chains, but we have baggage. We may not need to have a light shine down from heaven to blind us so we can see, or do we?

When we meet Ananias, we can’t be surprised that he wants to bargain with God. “But, God,” he says. Like everyone else, Ananias has heard about the terrible things Saul has done. Ananias couldn’t believe God could know this and still want to help this man. You must admit it seems odd. Think of a ruthless leader of our time, someone like Osama Bin Laden or Adolf Hitler. What if you were asked to go help them because God asked you to? We must step aside and realize that God is God, and we are not. If God says, “Go!” we need to go.

Ananias was obedient after a little convincing. Saul’s sight was restored, and he was baptized. Saul’s world had just turned upside down. Everything he knew to be true had changed in a moment. Saul’s future was being guided by God. He was God’s “chosen instrument,” and he would be taking the Good News to the Gentiles, non-Jews and to kings, as well as the people of Israel. Saul was now on God’s team, and God had drafted a mighty leader.

Our futures are being guided by that very same God. We may not have the same huge task, but on a smaller scale he expects the same from us. We are called to tell the world he exists and loves, and that Jesus is the only way to eternal life. We aren’t alone. We have all those who have gone before us to show us the way. God’s Holy Spirit is inside us to prompt us and speak for us if we let him. We need to empty ourselves of all our agendas and be ready.

What habits or hang-ups do you need to set aside so you are ready to be used by God in the way he wants to use you? Think on that today.

Let’s pray. Father God, I know you have plans for me that are yet to unfold. I am excited by the thought of being used by you. Sometimes I feel like I am failing you. Forgive me in my moments of weakness and doubt. There is a big world out there needing to hear about your love. You know our hearts and know those who are devoted to you. Help me search and find those who have not yet heard or who have gotten off track. Fan the flame of my heart so I am burning bright for you. Use my words and my actions to reflect you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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